How To Draw A Cuckoo

How To Draw A Cuckoo
How To Draw A Cuckoo

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Many beliefs are associated with the cuckoo. People ask this not very noticeable bird a variety of questions and, by the number of its answers, they try to guess their fate. Everyone heard her sonorous voice, but not everyone can see this bird. Therefore, before you start drawing, find a suitable picture, or better a few.

How to draw a cuckoo
How to draw a cuckoo

It is necessary

  • - paper;
  • - pencil;
  • - watercolor paints;
  • - pictures with the image of a cuckoo.


Step 1

Look at the picture and try to determine the proportions. The cuckoo has a rather long oval body and a relatively small head. The height of the head is approximately equal to 1/8 of the body. She has a rather long tail, it is a strip with a pointed or rounded bottom edge. Its length is almost equal to the length of the body.

Step 2

Arrange the sheet of paper at random. The quality of the paper depends on what you are going to draw the cuckoo with. For watercolors, a special textured "Watercolor Paper" or the back of the wallpaper is most suitable. It is more convenient to draw with pencils on a regular drawing paper. As a guide, draw, for example, a twig with a cuckoo sitting on it. You can not draw it yet, but just draw a light line.

Step 3

Determine the proportions of the torso. The length is about 2 times greater than the width. The body most of all resembles a hen's egg, the sharp part of which is directed downward. Draw such an oval with a thin pencil. If you already have a twig, think about the position of the bird's body in relation to it. If the cuckoo sits in front of the viewer, the twig runs perpendicular to the axis of the oval or at a slight angle to it. But the bird can sit sideways, then draw an oval over the branch.

Step 4

Draw a circle so that it touches the top of the oval. Mentally draw its horizontal diameter and connect its ends with the very part of the oval. The neck lines will be almost straight. Draw a long, acute-angled beak. Draw a round eye near the beak on the head.

Step 5

From about the middle of the back, draw the tail line down. It is approximately equal to the size of the torso. Draw another line down from about the middle of the oval axis; it should diverge slightly from the first. Finish it at the same level. Connect the ends of the lines with an arc or angle.

Step 6

From the same point on the back from which you started drawing the tail, draw a line at an obtuse angle to the axis of the oval. Finish it just above the top tail line. From the place where the circle of the head is in contact with the oval, begin to lead downward - an arc repeating the lines of the body. Guide her until it intersects with the tail. Connect this point to the edge of the top line of the wing with a straight line. Draw the legs of the bird.

Step 7

Color the cuckoo. It is colorful, so first fill the head and body with light paint, and make the tail and wing dark. Then, with a thin brush, draw many wavy dark lines across the body of the bird. Mark the feathers on the wings and tail with small longitudinal strokes.
