How To Make Electronic Music

How To Make Electronic Music
How To Make Electronic Music

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In our advanced age, the age of technology and the Internet, it is not necessary to have musical knowledge to create your own music. For this, there are dozens of programs, with a serious study of which, anyone can professionally create wonderful tracks.


Step 1

The first step in making electronic music is knowing the instruments used in the process. This is the first question that arises for beginners in this business. Therefore, we will dot all the and. So, there are several categories among the tools for creating music: computer, Digital Audio Workstaition (DAW), monitoring, controller, synthesizer, virtual synthesizer, sampler, virtual effects and romplers. First, the more powerful the PC, the better. The DAW software is the professional application that will go through most of the editing work for the music you create. Of course, you can choose another program, the one that will be more convenient for you. If you make music without the active participation of external devices, but only with the help of a computer, pay attention to installing plugins.

Step 2

Long before the very process of creating a track, the search for ideas begins. Open the program with which you decided to edit and create music. As stated earlier, there are many tools out there to bring your ideas to life. Select in the program those instruments that will replace the drums. Play samples to the instrument. Now you can create a small looped workpiece. Further to this blank, you can add some things to implement your idea. It can be a synthesizer or something recorded from a microphone, and so on, the choice of tools is extensive. This will be a preliminary sketch. Now you can start composing. Select the sketch and stretch for how long you want the track to sound. Make the markup. Mark where the main topic1, pit, topic2 begins, where the topic develops and further. Don't use a template to markup, see what exactly works for a given composition. You can change the pattern in each tool: cut, add, remove anything.

Step 3

The composition stage is an important process. The first thing to do after this step is to work out the details. Next comes the mixing. This is a rather broad concept, but if it is simpler, mixing is arranging details, using spatial effects and the like. After that, you will get an already good sounding composition.

Step 4

There are several factors to mastering. The first is yourself. Do you have a desire to make music? Is it yours, or is it imposed by someone? Music is creativity, but it takes skill to make music. Therefore, the desire to learn is just as important. Feel free to experiment. This is an important point in the process of making electronic music.
