How To Draw Khokhloma

How To Draw Khokhloma
How To Draw Khokhloma

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Khokhloma painting - soot, cinnabar, gold, sometimes juicy greens. Cutting boards, ladles, bowls, spoons, wooden countertops and chairs, painted in Khokhloma style, will make your home joyful and bright. The technology that the Khokhloma masters have been using for a long time has been created for centuries, and it requires materials that cannot always be found freely on sale. But you can make a stylization for this painting. If it is done efficiently, then only an experienced expert can distinguish it from the real one.

Red, black, gold - the main colors of the Khokhloma painting
Red, black, gold - the main colors of the Khokhloma painting

It is necessary

  • - Paper;
  • - Gouache;
  • - Wooden plank;
  • - Acrylic paints;
  • - Brushes;
  • - Pictures depicting Khokhloma painting or objects;
  • - Varnish.


Step 1

Consider several items with Khokhloma painting. Pay attention to the pattern and the colors. Very few paints are used, mainly three colors. Sometimes green is added to them, but it is not required. The basis of the Khokhloma painting is a herbal ornament. See how the main branch bends bizarrely, from which other elements of the ornament branch off. This branch is called the root. Ornamental elements - leaves, flowers, berries. Some of them are drawn by masters by hand, others can be made with a stamp. In villages, a stamp is made from a raincoat mushroom, and in a city apartment it is quite possible to make a cotton swab of a suitable shape, cut out a piece of sponge, or simply roll a stick out of cloth.

Step 2

Try making the first pattern on paper. Cover a sheet of paper with a layer of black, red or yellow gouache. If you are going to decorate a cutting board with painting, you can make a sheet of paper the same shape. Draw the main element - it can be a large flower, a stylized bird, an inflorescence or a bunch of berries. Sketch the main branch from it. Try to keep it harmoniously on the sheet and not interrupted anywhere. Draw it with a thin brush.

Step 3

Make smooth branches from the main branch. Draw these lines with paint. Arrange the berries and flowers. Berries, large and small, can be made with a stamp or swab. The berries can be made red, the leaves yellow. Pay attention to how the blades of grass are drawn - they do not merge with each other, each is drawn separately and bends smoothly. Sketch a few blades of grass with a pencil, circle them with a brush. If you do it confidently, then immediately paint with a brush. Flower leaves and petals can be made using a stencil. You can cut a stencil from thick cardboard. It must be used carefully, having previously allowed the already drawn parts to dry. If the pattern came out right away, you can do the next work on wood with acrylic paints.

Step 4

Cover the wooden object you are about to paint with black, yellow, or red acrylic paint. Let the paint dry for two to three days. If you immediately succeed in drawing on paper, then it should work on the board, since the principle is no different, well, except that the paints should dry longer than gouache. Likewise, start with the main element, then draw the stem and branches. The more bizarre they bend, the better. There is no rigid alternation of ornament elements in the Khokhloma painting, but the drawing should be very harmonious. Arrange the leaves, berries, flowers so that they do not crawl over each other. Draw blades of grass along the root. Let the work dry, then cover it with colorless furniture varnish.
