What brings a black cat - misfortune or good luck? All this depends primarily on the omens, superstitions and prejudices that people of different countries believe. But where did such negative fame come from and is it really worth expecting trouble from a black cat? This is worth understanding.

What the black cat symbolizes in different cultures and myths
Since the Middle Ages, the black cat has been considered the main symbol of misfortune. This opinion is still held by residents of the United States, India, China and many European countries. For centuries, black-colored cats have been credited with witchcraft and connection with evil spirits.
Thus, the title of a magical animal with superpowers was strengthened for cats, and people tried to use them in almost all rituals.
There was an opinion among the people that witches turned into these animals. And in 1484, Pope Innocent VIII, in one of his speeches, called black cats pagan beasts that conspire with the devil himself. It is because of this that, from the 14th century, the Inquisition began to burn the unfortunate animals at the stake.
However, there are also opposite opinions. So, for example, in the UK or Japan, meeting a black cat promises good luck. In Scotland, this porch animal portends wealth and prosperity.
And in Germany, there are two beliefs at the same time: if a black cat crosses your road from right to left, then this is to trouble, if from left to right - fortunately.
The black cat as a symbol of good luck originates from Ancient Egypt. It was there that it was believed that cats are sacred animals and together with them bring grace and peace to the house.
Debunking the "unfortunate black cat" myth
To completely dispel the myth around the negative aura of the black cat, you need to understand its origin. In fact, this color of this animal is associated with a gene mutation.
Initially, pure black cats were very rare to be found, but over time, due to the gradual pollution of the atmosphere, a failure occurred at the genetic level. Due to the mutation, the main pigment responsible for the color of the animal, melanin, is practically not distributed over the cat's coat, which leads to a black color.
After such an explanation, it is unlikely that a black cat can be called a source of evil. However, this does not prevent you from believing in signs and miracles.
Signs of different peoples associated with a black cat
Here are some beliefs and signs associated with a black cat:
Someone else's cat in the house - to trouble (Russian folk omen).
Before moving into a new hut on the first night, you need to let in a black rooster and a chicken, and on the second a black cat and a cat (Russian folk belief).
A black cat, which dreams on the night before Christmas, promises illness (Russian folk omen).
Demons tempt saints by appearing to them in the form of black cats (from the writings of medieval monks).
A cat aboard a ship is a lucky sign. If the cat falls overboard, the storm cannot be avoided (a sign of British sailors).
If a black cat is in the house, lovers will never run out of it (an old English sign).
Based on the foregoing, whether a black cat will predict good luck or bring misfortune depends entirely on your mood. Respect our smaller brothers, and in return they will only bring you happiness!