How To Make Subtractions

How To Make Subtractions
How To Make Subtractions

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Most knits require lower stitches to achieve different shapes and silhouettes, both in crochet and knitting. If you are fond of knitting, you will need to learn how to reduce loops in different ways so as not to experience difficulties in knitting an armhole, raglan, neckline or neckline. Decreases are also used in beautiful openwork patterns, and they can be done both along the edge of the canvas and in the middle, depending on the model. In this article, we will describe several ways to reduce the loops from the front of the work.

How to make subtractions
How to make subtractions


Step 1

To subtract right-bend stitches, insert a knitting needle from left to right into two knit stitches and knit them together in knit stitches behind the front walls.

Step 2

You can reduce the loops with a tilt to the left by removing the first loop on the right knitting needle and placing the thread at work. Then knit the next stitch through the stitch you removed. In this way, you can subtract not only one, but also two loops at once - it is not recommended to subtract more than two so that the canvas does not shrink.

Step 3

To decrease two loops at the same time with a tilt to the right, repeat the same as described above, but knit three loops together.

Step 4

You can subtract two stitches with a tilt to the left by placing the working thread behind the knit and removing the first stitch, and then knitting the next two stitches. Pull the loop that you got after knitting two loops through the removed loop.

Step 5

In a number of patterns used in knitting, as well as in the formation of a neckline, the skill of reducing two loops with a double broach will help you. Place yarn behind work and knit two stitches from left to right, then knit next stitch.

Step 6

Pull the knitted loop through the two removed loops. Thus, you will get a clear vertical line at the point of subtraction.
