Under What Sign Of The Zodiac Are Born On March 21

Under What Sign Of The Zodiac Are Born On March 21
Under What Sign Of The Zodiac Are Born On March 21

On the day of the beginning of spring and the equinox, March 21, the zodiac circle passes into the sign of Aries. On this day, the day and night are the same length, therefore it is called the day of clarity.

Aries zodiac sign
Aries zodiac sign

Born on the day of clarity

Inheriting the qualities of the whole day at birth, people born on March 21 are most often open, straightforward, they are not characterized by excessive sensitivity or suspiciousness. It often happens that these people do not fit into the existing models of society at all and therefore meet with misunderstanding. People born on the vernal equinox live according to their own ideas about order, and this applies to the smallest details of their lives.

These people are strong first of all for their practicality, they cannot be called dreamers, they stand firmly on their feet. Of the talents, they have organizational skills, but at the same time they are completely non-aggressive and never go ahead to their goal. Aries born on March 21 would rather not communicate with people who do not understand them, than will convince someone that they are right. And they have absolute confidence in it, and they consider many around them passive types.

It is very important for people born on the very first day of the sign of Aries to give out energy, which they have in abundance. This energy can manifest itself in a wide variety of areas - both in adherence to religion or mysticism and magic, and in following any ideas. One should be wary of psychotropic and narcotic substances, since those born on the day of the equinox are given the purest aura.

General characteristics of the sign of Aries

Those born between March 20 and April 19 cannot stand boredom, they are very energetic and active people. They are very curious, always open to new knowledge and love their friends. They are distinguished by some tactlessness characteristic of all curious people, but those born under the sign of Aries never have bad intent behind curiosity. These are straightforward people, they do not know how to take offense and plan revenge.

It is better not to try to strike up a dispute with representatives of this sign, since these furious and principled stubborn people still cannot be persuaded. Aries change their opinion with great difficulty, and this happens very rarely, since they live by their own rules and the ultimate truth for them is always their point of view.

A sedentary lifestyle and routine, measured work are not for them. These people are dynamic, restless, they love risk and everything new and unusual. A suitable profession for this sign is a salesman, doctor, policeman or security guard, soldier or lecturer. Many find themselves in various sports, since Aries is very fond of competitions.

The planet of all Aries born between March 20 and March 31 is Mars. These people are brave to the point of recklessness and absolutely cannot stand any pretense or cunning. Due to excessive nobility, they often fall into the most primitive traps, since not everyone has developed intuition.