On the last day of spring, people under the sign of Gemini are born. This is a sign of the air element. Gemini are distinguished by a lively mind and eccentricity of thinking. The vocation of these people is mental work.

Twins at work
In work, Gemini are distinguished by clear thinking and extraordinary ideas. Their quirky minds are capable of tackling the most difficult tasks. Gemini are generally considered valuable employees and often become leaders, even if they are informal.
They have an excellent gift of speech and persuasion, but they do not know how to listen very well. Nevertheless, they are good at conducting discussions. Gemini can convince an opponent of anything.
These people prefer work associated with a constant change of impressions, they are against routine and monotony. Also, the work must necessarily be of intellectual interest.
Twins in everyday life
The sign of Gemini gives a person a double personality. Therefore, he is inclined to change all kinds of life circumstances, from the style of clothing to the place of work. Gemini has a very wide social circle.
Gemini love to explore their surroundings and people, absorbing new information. They love to share this information with others, even if it is completely useless.
These people are distinguished by restlessness and impatience, they are easy to influence. Gemini readily change their point of view, while monitoring the reaction of others to them.
High-speed performance helps Gemini to easily navigate the situation and find a way out of it. Along with the brilliant mind, Gemini is characterized by increased sensitivity.
Adorable Gemini are always surrounded by other people, which perfectly satisfies their increased need for communication. They are excellent at professions related to establishing contact.
Talented Gemini tend to lose because of their impatience. They need to put in a lot of effort to bring what they started to the end. They like to take on too much, and as a result, the initial enthusiasm quickly fades away.
Gemini do not tolerate failure very badly, but they are not held captive by negative emotions for a long time. They are soon distracted by something new, and they switch.
Gemini do not really like restrictions and discipline, therefore they do not differ in punctuality. They are not attracted by the observance of all kinds of conventions and generally accepted rules. Gemini cannot be called economic.
Due to the increased energy, Gemini needs a good rest, but they often deny themselves this. They have a predisposition to diseases of the shoulder girdle and upper limbs, diseases of the joints and the gastrointestinal tract.