If you dreamed about a tiger, in real life expect a surge of powerful energy. This energy can be directed towards building your career and pursuing your wildest ambitions in general, to gain a stronger and more advantageous position in modern society.

The general meaning of the tiger dream
Tigers can have status in their animal hierarchy, and the claws, teeth and strength of the animal, as well as its power and agility, are just a means of survival. Thus, having examined the details of a dream with the main character, a tiger, you can see how a person survives in a modern and rather harsh reality.
Details of a dream about a tiger
When interpreting a dream involving a tiger, you need to take into account the behavior of this formidable animal. Very often, people dream of such big cats when they are approaching an imminent new job or if a promotion is coming, some kind of monetary reward, as well as before a major important deal.
It is very bad if a tiger in your dream attacks you, hurts, inflicts wounds, here you need to consider the chapters "blood" or "wounds" in the dream book.
If a tiger in your dream eats its prey, most likely, in reality you will have some rather strong competitor, or, alternatively, you will not accept profit and your dizzying success alone, but share it with someone else.
A tiger enclosed in a cage means difficulties in fulfilling his dream, the one who has such a dream, most likely, has run out of vitality, and in his work he does not have enough professionalism, courage, experience and even independence.
If you killed a tiger in your dream, this is a bad feeling. Your dream speaks of a warning, you should not be overly self-confident. There is a risk of getting a "knife in the back" on the career ladder. Perhaps you will have some kind of quarrel with an influential person, or you will miss out on a profitable partner. Perhaps in some stressful and really difficult situation, the dreamer will behave confidently and courageously.
Most likely, after this the person will have a feeling of euphoria from the victory, but after a while the insight will come that the act was reckless and unjustifiably risky.
Lying and resting on a soft tiger skin or putting it on yourself means a fleeting success, not too long and not very pleasant. Probably because this success will be achieved in a dishonest way.
All of the above can be attributed to striped tigers, and if you dream of a white tiger, it will be a symbol of the energy of a subtle plan, that is, a dreaming white tiger means the same success, all those options that are described above, but no longer in career, social and material field, but in the opposite, creative or intellectual. Often such dreams are dreamed of by creative people associated with music, literature or any other art.