In Russia, fortune-telling is on a chamomile, in Europe - on a daisy. These flowers have been a kind of love "oracles" since ancient times. It is curious that not only adults in love, but also children, read the flowers! Fortune telling on flowers is considered one of the simplest and surest ways to open the veil of the secrets of your future.

How to read a chamomile
Since ancient times in Russia, divination for love using chamomile flowers has been a favorite pastime of almost every young and unmarried girl. The meaning of this fortune-telling is to find out if a potential gentleman loves you. According to folklore essays and popular beliefs, the best time for divination on a chamomile is the evening dawn.
In the evening dawn, one of the flowers should be picked at random from a chamomile bush, after which, in a certain sequence, one petal after another should be taken off it. Tearing off one petal, one should say: "Loves", and tearing off the other - "Does not love." The result of fortune-telling will be the answer on which the chamomile ends.
To make divination on a chamomile more unpredictable, in the traditional version it is necessary to hold it with the right hand, and tear off the petals with the left. It is worth noting that fortune-telling on chamomile is mainly the prerogative of rural residents, since there are more than enough of these flowers in their area. At the same time, chamomile divination is one of the easiest in the world.
How to read a rose
Fortune-telling on a rose (like most other "flower" fortune-telling) should be done in the evening and only on women's days - on Wednesday, Friday or Saturday. You need to pick in the garden or buy the most beautiful rose in the store. The color of these flowers is not regulated by the rules of this fortune-telling: you can guess on white, and on red, and on yellow roses. The selected rose must be placed in a vase of water, after which the cherished words must be said: “Beauty rose, you are the queen of flowers, you conquer both people and animals. Tell me, does my betrothed love me?"
After the cherished words, you must wait until the flower is completely blooming. When this happens, you need to see how many petals are left at the base of the flower. If there are 2-3 petals left, the object of the sighing of the fortuneteller is not indifferent to him, and if all the petals have fallen off, this love is not destined to come true. Fortune telling on a rose, of course, is not as popular as on a chamomile, but its results are considered the most truthful, because queens are not mistaken!
How to read Ivan da Marya
In Russia, on the eve of the holiday of Ivan Kupala, girls wondered about love with the help of flower bouquets from Ivan da Marya. This fortune-telling made it possible to find out whether this or that young lady will get married this year or not. But before guessing, it was necessary to steam with this bouquet in the bath, like a broom. After that, the girls ran out of the bath and threw their broom-bouquet on the roof of the steam room. If the bouquet rolled down, the wedding is still far away, and if it remained on the roof, marriage is not far off.