How To Read A Natal Chart

How To Read A Natal Chart
How To Read A Natal Chart

All astrological work is based on a horoscope for a specific event. For a person, this horoscope is a natal chart, also called a birth chart.

How to read a natal chart
How to read a natal chart

The natal chart is some kind of plan that you should go through in real life. To learn how to read a natal chart, you need to know how to interpret and combine the meaning of the four main elements in astrology - planets, signs of the zodiac, aspects and houses. Each element has its own specific meaning and role in human life.

The planets are active persons in human destiny. Each planet has its own role and role. There are different roles: leader, warrior, judge, mother, father and many others. All these roles are present in the fate of any person. The only question is how exactly a person realizes these roles in real life.

The signs of the zodiac reflect the energy through which the planets manifest themselves. Sometimes it can correspond to the role, sometimes it prevents a person from fulfilling his purpose and he begins to behave not quite adequately in real life. That is, the "zodiac sign" interferes with the full disclosure of personality and life in full force. The opposite is also possible.

Aspects represent interaction. You can interpret them as dialogues of aspects and the relationship between them. There are silent roles, and there are completely opposite - scandalous roles. The role may not depend on the nature of the planets - the most important thing is how all planets relate to this role.

Houses are the realm of the realization of signs and events. You can interpret them as a place of events. Some houses are pretty clear about some life scenarios. Each person, without exception, has a specific topic, for example, children or work. True, on it, completely dissimilar planetary actors appear for different personalities. And completely different locations.

Thus, the ability to read a natal chart allows you to correctly interpret all the successive events that have developed and the layering of detailed information. For example, having found a planet that answers the question you are interested in, we turn to how exactly the planet feels in its zodiac sign, how it interacts with other participants (aspects), their relationships, and where all events take place, and what it changes (at home).
