When Will The Movie About The Life Of Steve Jobs Come Out?

When Will The Movie About The Life Of Steve Jobs Come Out?
When Will The Movie About The Life Of Steve Jobs Come Out?

Jobs: Empire of Seduction is an American film released in Russia in September 2013. By genre, the picture can be attributed to a biographical drama. The film follows the life of Apple founder Steve Jobs, starting in 1974, when he was a student at Reed College, and uploading to 2001, when Jobs introduced the world to his invention of the iPod.

Apple was founded by Steve Jobs in 1976
Apple was founded by Steve Jobs in 1976

American actor Ashton Kutcher played the main role in the film.

Plot of the film

The film begins with a slightly aged Jobs presenting his iPod at Apple's headquarters in 2001. Then the action is carried back to 1974 when Jobs was at Reed College. Jobs was expelled due to the inability to pay for the too expensive education at the school, but, being under the auspices of the dean, he was able to continue his studies.

One of Jobs' interests in college was calligraphy. He also came under the influence of the book Be Here Now, written by spiritual master Baba Ram Dass. Influenced by this book, Jobs and his friend travel to India.

Two years later, Jobs returns to California, where he lives with his adoptive parents. Here he works for the American company Atari, which produces computer games. Jobs develops a partnership with Stephen Wozniak. Together they create their own company called Apple Computer.

After a successful presentation of the jointly developed computer at the Homebrew Computer Club, Jobs gathers a team around him. Their work does not suit the customer, and Jobs has to search for initial capital for a long time. In the end, he finds an investor in the person of entrepreneur Mike Markkula.

Jobs and Wozniak's next development, the Apple II, is an incredible success. But his success in 1977 has caused Jobs to distance himself from some of his friends and beloved. Upon learning of his girlfriend's pregnancy, Jobs finally breaks up with her. He also denies the fact that the girl born to him is his daughter.

Jobs joined the Macintosh group, but left in 1985.

The next episode shows Jobs in 1996. He is married to Lauren Powell Jobs and has recognized his once-born daughter Lisa as his child. He has a son, Reed, and Jobs himself runs NeXT, which Apple has decided to buy. Jobs becomes interested in the work of employee Jonathan Ive, and he tries to update Apple. At the end of the film, Jobs stars in a 1997 commercial with the slogan "Think Different."

How the film was made

Screenwriter Matt Whiteley took over the script while Steve Jobs was in the hospital for pancreatic cancer treatment. According to director Joshua Michael Stern, the material for the script was collected through research and interviews.

A film about the life and career of Steve Jobs was shown at the closing of the 29th Sundance Film Festival.

Filming began in 2012 in Jobs' childhood town in California. Most of the filming took place in the vicinity of Los Angeles.

In August 2012, filming was moved to India, New Delhi. This part of the filming was dedicated to Jobs's arrival in India in 1974 and his stay in that country.

