How Photo Effects Are Used For Photography

How Photo Effects Are Used For Photography
How Photo Effects Are Used For Photography

Once upon a time, different photo effects could only be achieved with a certain type of film, developer solution and lenses. There are now dozens of ways to turn your photo into a work of art.

How photo effects are used for photography
How photo effects are used for photography

You can apply photo effects to photos in three ways - directly during shooting, manually in a graphic editor or using ready-made templates and programs. Almost any digital camera, including cameras on the phone and webcams, has several built-in photo effects - sepia, black and white, sometimes negative. To use them, just select the desired mode in the camera menu. Phones often have a set of photo frames as well. True, the quality of such images usually suffers. Another popular photo editing and sharing application is available for iPhone and Android users - Instagram. In it, you can apply various color filters to your images.

If you use Photoshop for processing photos, then your possibilities are almost endless, you just need to use them correctly. For example, to make a photo in black and white, open the desired image and select Image-Adjustments-Hue / Saturation ("Image" - "Settings" - "Saturation") and select Desaturate ("Desaturate"). There you can also tint a photo with any color, get sepia and many other effects. Try to apply the now popular effect of the so-called "vanilla" photography. To do this, choose a photo that is not too dark. Create several new layers - Layer-New layer ("Layer" - "New layer"), each fill with some bright color - blue, pink, green, yellow. Set the blending mode of the layer to Exclusion and set the opacity to 5-20%.

In general, in Photoshop it is possible to achieve any effect by transforming an ordinary photograph into something absolutely stunning. True, professional photographers usually limit themselves to simple color grading.

There are many online services for applying frames, templates and effects. For example, on the FunnyPhoto website. There you can choose the filters and frames you need (about 500 in total). To do this, first select the desired effect, and then upload the desired photo. The same can be done on the Photonomica website and on many others - just type in the search engine "online photo effects". True, some sites will leave their copyright on your photos. By the way, often applying frames and templates to photos can be regarded as a lack of taste, so be careful.

You can download photo effects programs lighter than Photoshop. For example, there is a very beautiful program Boxoft Photo Magic Maker. It has many filters and a simple interface, and several effects can be applied to one photo at once.