If you buy a full-weight saber that is not plastic or made of non-ferrous metals, you will hardly be able to immediately determine its purpose. Whether it is a combat or souvenir weapon can only be determined by examining its characteristics and accompanying documentation.

The saber falls under the classification of melee weapons. Therefore, it is very important to know which saber you are going to purchase or, perhaps, have already acquired. These differences are often subtle when examined visually or by touch. An accurate characterization of a weapon can only be given by specialists after a series of experiments in the laboratory. But an ordinary buyer will also be able to conduct his own analysis in order not to become a violator of the law.
Any souvenir weapon that is similar in appearance, size and weight to combat weapons must be accompanied by a special Certificate. It describes the characteristics of the weapon and puts a mark on its recognition as a souvenir. This certificate is the main document confirming the non-combat purpose of the purchased saber.
However, if the purchase is made on the market or from a private person and the seller does not have a certificate, then it is also possible to determine
military or souvenir weapon you are going to purchase.
A combat saber cannot cost less than 10,000 rubles. The price stage is the lowest threshold. Even for this money, you cannot buy a real long-bladed weapon. But a souvenir weapon for such a price will be indistinguishable for an ignorant person from a military one.
Strength characteristics
Examine the saber. If its butt is thinner than 2 mm or thicker than 6, then feel free to refer it to a souvenir weapon. Make the same verdict if it easily bends by a third and twisted with just the force of the arms. On a saber, laid with a tip and a handle on two bricks, close in strength and elasticity to a combat one, you can easily stand with your feet and even walk. It will not break or deform.
External signs
If the saber has:
- rounded point or none at all;
- there is no sharpening or the presence is just a hint of such;
- short (less than 70 mm), awkward or barrel-shaped handle;
- there is a strong curvature, making it impossible to deliver a piercing blow;
- there are decorative voids or cuts in the blade, and there is a hook, bulge or relief on the butt;
- the shank of the blade is not firmly fixed in the handle and it can be removed with just the force of the hands, - or it is made of non-ferrous metals, plastic, wood and other fragile materials, then it is not a melee weapon.
At the same time, focusing on the above features allows you to buy a truly high-quality souvenir saber. After all, if she has at least one of them, then it is already impossible to recognize her as a combat one. But in all other respects a souvenir saber can be absolutely identical to a combat one.