How To Carry Out A "cash" General Cleaning Of The House Before The New Year

How To Carry Out A "cash" General Cleaning Of The House Before The New Year
How To Carry Out A "cash" General Cleaning Of The House Before The New Year

In order for the next year to bring not only health but also well-being, it is not enough just to carry out a general cleaning before the New Year. It is also necessary to nourish the energy of the house with positive changes, to charge it with money, wealth and prosperity.

Cash cleaning before the New Year
Cash cleaning before the New Year

Here are some tips and tricks for those who want to get rid of financial holes in their budget and bring prosperity to their home next year. But it is worth remembering that signs and rituals work only for those who believe in them!

1. Set up your home for everything new. Take time for general cleaning and clean up the most inaccessible corners of the house or apartment from dirt. Let the old energy leave your home, and the new, clean and prosperous fill it. During the cleaning, say "I take away everything old - I am luring money into the house." Wiping dust, removing dirt and debris, mentally imagine how you remove loans, debts, penalties from your life, and a shiny and rustling cash flow fills your home.

2. Get rid of all unnecessary things. Ruthlessly throw away or give away everything that you do not need and that you do not use for a long time. All unnecessary accumulates year after year and litters the house, does not allow it to be filled with new, necessary things. At the same time, get rid of unnecessary things easily, without regret and without hesitation. To do this, it is enough to imagine how unnecessary things to you bring joy to someone else, and new gifts that you require come into your life.

3. Track the period of the waxing moon on the calendar and conduct a simple but effective ritual to raise money. To do this, select large bills or expensive coins and put them in different places at home (you can also on the windowsill). Try to spread the money so that it does not catch the eye of strangers. During the growing moon, the bills are saturated with the power of the moon. In order for the money to start working for you, buy something worthwhile and long desired with this money. Thus, you will put money into circulation, and they will begin to work for you, attracting large sums.

4. Also, our ancestors practiced such a ritual on the new moon: after waiting for the birth of a new moon, they showed her their bills at night, it is advisable to take big money and say "As the month grows and grows, so let my money grow and grow." The effectiveness of the ritual is confirmed by many.

5. For those who believe in the power and energy of New Year's Eve, such a simple way to increase wealth is recommended. It is enough on New Year's Eve, from December 31 to January 1, to count the existing large bills and ask the owner of the year to bring well-being and prosperity to the house. And the symbol of 2017, the Red Fire Rooster, favors courageous and decisive people, so it will definitely respond!