How To Replace The Brazier

How To Replace The Brazier
How To Replace The Brazier

It's not a problem to buy a ready-made grill now. But it happens that you need to do without it. You can find many objects in nature, in the country, in any field conditions, from which you can easily create an impromptu replacement for the barbecue.

How to replace the brazier
How to replace the brazier

It happens that it is not always convenient to take a brazier with you to nature, but you want to feast on kebabs. An impromptu charcoal grill can be made in a couple of minutes. It is only important to maintain the optimal distance from the coals to the skewers.

It should be about 10-50 cm.

If the grill is too high, the meat will take too long to cook, the juice will drain onto the coals, as a result the kebab will turn out to be dry and undercooked. If the meat is too close to the coals, it will quickly crust over and the inside will remain soggy.

Brick stove

The easiest and most affordable way in most cases is to make an impromptu stove from several bricks, between which coals are placed. If there are no bricks at hand, you can take stones for this purpose, but it can be quite difficult to find stones with such smooth sides that the skewers do not roll.

Fitting the tree

Two raw tree trunks may well serve as a support on which skewers with strung meat are laid. You can do with one trunk with a crack. Skewers can be stuck into it and set at an angle over the fire.

Exotic ways

You can adapt an old bucket as a barbecue, but not enameled, because enamel can crack and bounce when heated. Some even adapt the system unit from an old computer. Pieces of fittings and other metal debris will be used.

It is good to use metal objects that are easy to shape.

If you didn't find anything suitable at hand, but there are drinks in cans, you can make a frame of 4 cans and 4 skewers.

In a word, there are many options, it is enough to look around carefully and show your imagination. It is much more difficult to do without skewers. Of course, they can be replaced with raw branches, but this is not very convenient: too thin branches will bend, and those that are thicker will have to be sharpened in order to string meat on them.

Another good outdoor option would be a barbecue grill. This device, if desired, can be held over the coals by the handle without any support, it is very convenient to turn over and easy to carry.
