How To Choose A Regulator

How To Choose A Regulator
How To Choose A Regulator

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If you have to choose and purchase a regulator for gas equipment, first of all, you should pay attention to a number of its key characteristics. The choice should be made taking into account the type of object to be regulated, the level of pressure in the system, the level of permissible noise of the device. The list of characteristics can be quite wide, but ultimately it depends on them how effectively the regulator will perform its function.

How to choose a regulator
How to choose a regulator


Step 1

Before making your final choice, first familiarize yourself with the main types of regulators used in gas systems. There are two main types of such devices: indirect-acting regulators with a command device, as well as indirect-acting regulators with a spring or lever-spring load.

Step 2

When choosing a regulator as the main criterion, use the regulator stability level. It must ensure the uninterrupted operation of the controlled object in all modes that may be required during the operation of the system. If, for example, we are talking about the operation of a dead-end gas pipeline with gas sampling at the end of the pipe, the best option would be a direct-acting static regulator.

Step 3

If a significant gas consumption is expected, opt for an indirect regulator. Ring and branched sections of the gas pipeline differ in very high design gas flow rates, so it makes sense to use indirect-acting astatic regulators in them. In this way it is possible to achieve the maximum accuracy of the gas pressure.

Step 4

Use two-stage regulators when connected to high-pressure networks where there is a significant level of fluctuation that does not allow the use of single-stage devices.

Step 5

A complex technical device, a gas pressure regulator requires special knowledge when selecting it. If you are not confident in your abilities, contact the specialists and carefully consider their recommendations. This will save you time and the risk of buying a regulator that is not suitable for your specific conditions. The easiest way to get advice is to contact pipeline equipment suppliers who, in a competitive environment, are interested in the quality of their service and its expansion.
