Inlaid and painted, forged, carved, covered with embossed gold leather, paper, stained glass, silk, brocade, tapestry, huge and tiny - all these are screens. They are originally from the East, but quickly and rather firmly took root in the West. Buying a screen now is a simple matter. However, if you have time and even a little inspiration, make a unique screen with your own hands.

Simply and easily
Making a screen at home is not difficult at all. Of course, you can purchase a ready-made frame and decorate it at your discretion. However, it is much more interesting to assemble a screen from scratch. If you heroically decide to do this, take a closer look at the blanks for the stretcher. Special slats for them, as a rule, are sold only in pairs. But you can choose the set of the desired width and height yourself. If you want to cover the frame with fabric, then for reliability it will have to be fixed with plywood corners or parallel spacers, and then connect the panels with ordinary door hinges. Naturally, the screen needs legs - they can be made from pieces of thick slats and screwed to the frame using rather long self-tapping screws. However, if you turn on your imagination, then the most unexpected objects can turn into the legs of the screen - in particular, round door handles. The frame is ready. Now comes the fun part - decorating! It all depends on the interior of the room.
Luxury of the East
If you are attracted by the mysterious East and you want a really chic screen, then go in search of tapestry with a print ala "Turkish cucumber" or fabrics in sirins and dragons. For a screen in the oriental spirit, an old patterned stole is quite suitable. True, it will be required in the amount of 3-4 pieces. Those with silver or gold threads will be especially good. In addition, stoles do not have to be in one color or have one print. The East is multifaceted, let your screen be like that. If your patience knows no bounds, add sparkle and sparkle to the screen by embroidering it with golden sequins.
Such a screen can easily become an "exhibition" of your jewelry - multicolored beads, monisto, will look quite organic on it. To do this, you can attach several tiny hooks to the top bar.
Style in simplicity
If you are practical and appreciate versatility in things, decorate the screen in neutral colors. Simple but tasteful. To do this, it can be covered with fabric in a calm color scheme. With a strong desire, a neutral screen can always become a kind of organizer, a stand for your photos or some announcements like "Darling, good morning!" All you need to implement this idea is a few meters of a fairly dense ribbon in a color contrasting with the screen, a box of nails with decorative caps and a hammer.
Lacy weightlessness
If your soul requires a light and girly playful interior, stock up on lace or organza. Don't forget the furniture stapler. Keep in mind that the fabric will have to be wetted before stretching over the screen frame. You can leave such a screen transparent or tighten it from the inside out with a second layer of fabric - it's up to you. If you chose the second option, then use a contrasting fabric for the wrong side to better shade the lace pattern. Agree that monochrome screens are not too bright, but they look, no doubt, exquisite. You can hide the work of the stapler with a piping made of braid, tape or dense lace. By the way, lace screens are incredibly practical: they can be adapted as a stand for storing your favorite jewelry or jewelry.