How To Tie A Loofah With Extended Loops

How To Tie A Loofah With Extended Loops
How To Tie A Loofah With Extended Loops

Many people like to use bright, voluminous washcloths with elongated loops. Practical and inexpensive products are perfectly lather and retain their attractive appearance for a long time. Even an inexperienced needlewoman can quickly create a bath accessory. Simple tips on how to knit a washcloth with extended loops for beginners will help.

How to tie a loofah with elongated loops for beginners, photo source:
How to tie a loofah with elongated loops for beginners, photo source:

Selection of threads and the beginning of knitting

A sponge knitted with polypropylene thread can be used for regular washing or massage purposes - it all depends on how thick and thick the yarn you choose. Assess the material in advance before starting work. It is recommended to crochet a loofah for beginners with crochet # 5 from a thread of the appropriate thickness - this will make it easier to cope with long loops. With a certain skill, you can work in two threads - you get a more magnificent product.

It is permissible to knit a massage sponge made of home-made unpainted sheep wool. It is recommended to pre-wash the material in warm soapy water and dry by hanging the weight on the skein. This massage bath accessory should only be used in warm water and dry well after use.

Getting started - an air chain, 1/2 of the length of which is equal to the required width of the bath accessory (for example, 30-35 loops). Connect the links with a ring, then sew a loop to go to the higher row. By inserting the hook behind the jumper of the lower stitches, make a row of single crochets. Again, close the row into a ring and complete three rows of double crochets, always making a pair of lifting loops between transitions to the next round.

Extended hinges

Continue to knit the loofah with extended loops. To do this, insert the hook under the bridge between the columns of the previous row, but at the same time the index finger of the left hand should form a long loop:

- pull back the thread;

- hook it with a hook from the opposite job;

- stretch the thread through the jumper;

- knit with a half-column.

Please note: the extended loop remains from the inside of the work. Continue knitting the washcloth, making successive alternations:

- a row of elongated loops;

- a pair of lifting loops;

- securing double crochet;

Do it in two rows of long loops, then along a row of double crochets, until you can crochet the loofah to the required length (for example, 40 cm). At the end of the work - rows of double crochet and single crochet according to the pattern of the beginning of knitting. Always make sure that the number of original loops (for example, 30) does not change, and the scrubber will have a neat shape.

Scrubber handle

You have almost succeeded in tying the washcloth, it remains to turn it out with elongated loops and tie the opposite edges with single crochet columns. From one end, at the beginning of the circular row, make a lifting loop, knit an air chain of the required length and secure its end with a pair of single crochets to the other edge of the hem. Tie three to four rows of single crochets around the handle. Similarly, perform the part from the opposite edge of the washcloth.
