Miracle or insufficient knowledge? Skepticism can and does help in solving some issues, but what about miracles? We can consider them random, but still it is more pleasant to think that we can influence the course of life with the power of our thoughts.

It is necessary
- 1. Free space (apartment or field).
- 2. Favorite music or birdsong with rustling leaves.
- 3. Creative mood.
- 4. Lack of watches / mobile devices.
- 5. Time.
Step 1
Comfortable to get settled. Close eyes. Take a deep breath and exhale. Feel yourself. Feel your surroundings. Enjoy the moment. Try to cleanse the hate. Recall all the grievances and negative moments, realize their uselessness. Give your heart Forgiveness. Find Love in yourself and help it fill your whole body and soul.

Step 2
Smile at yourself and the world around you. Realize all the splendor of life. Remember the magic of childhood, happy moments, bright meetings, smiles of loved ones. Feel grateful for their presence in your life. Think about what is important but seems unattainable. Understand that nothing is impossible and smile at this fact. Start visualizing your desires in your head, feel happiness, harmony, calmness.

Step 3
Remember this feeling. Write about it in your diary. To paint the pictures. Make collages. Do not distance yourself from what you want because of the separating distance / lack of funds and other material components. Think about a dream every day, fantasize, let it into your life, into your dreams, into your future. Take steps towards, wait for a miracle. Do not darken your mood with anger, sadness, resentment. Be in harmony with yourself, with nature, with the people around you. Listen to your needs. Don't do what you don't like. Spend more time on your favorite activities.

Step 4
To forget the word "impossible". Believe. Without a doubt, unconditionally, always, always. Miracles happen where they are expected. A miracle is meant to strengthen our faith, but without it nothing will happen. It is not at all necessary to have evidence of the existence of miracles, because the existence of God also cannot be verified, but it is quite obvious that there is a force in the Universe that controls the world. By faith we attract what we want to ourselves. Thoughts are much more powerful than we think. And you thought why a loser is still a loser? Because he thinks all the time that he is unlucky. As soon as he believes in success, everything will change.

Step 5
Be grateful. This feeling incredibly fills the soul with the purest goodness. In any case, whatever the outcome, you need to be grateful for everything you have. Without this, the personality that exists here now would not exist.