Some women are very fond of planting indoor flowers at home. One of the most beloved is the plant popularly referred to as "female happiness". The scientific name of this flower is Spathiphyllum.

Spathiphyllum - female happiness
This flower is one of the favorites of modern women, because it is very beautiful. And most importantly, he is credited with magical powers that bring happiness to the fair sex. Lonely people find their soul mate, childless have children, married people find harmony and understanding in the family, but Spathiphyllum needs to bloom, and this moment is eagerly awaited, the flower is cared for and cherished. Women's happiness in care is not at all a very whimsical flower, for him, as well as for real life happiness, you don't need much. This plant cannot be bought for oneself, it must be received as a gift.
Spathiphyllum is a stemless flower with large succulent leaves. When it blooms, it develops a white calyx, inside which an ear of small flowers opens up. Like many other indoor plants, Spathiphyllum is tropical. Native to South America, grows naturally along rivers and swamps in tropical climates. At home, he needs to create the same conditions. Prefers warmth, an abundance of moisture, loves light, but is afraid of direct sunlight, delicate leaves can get burned. It is necessary to spray in the summer three times a day, and in the winter one is enough. Water abundantly, but do not pour, otherwise its leaves will turn black. Too much watering will lead to root rot. Insufficient watering - the leaves will turn yellow and wither.
Florists believe that watering this plant is necessary all year round. In summer, spring, during flowering, Spathiphyllum requires abundant watering. You can even pour water into the pan, but make sure that the topsoil has time to dry out. In winter, the flower does not need to be watered too often. Try to make sure that the plant does not dry out, but the water in its soil does not stagnate, otherwise it will ruin your pet in the pot. It is known that only water that has been settled for 12 hours can be used for irrigation. To find out if you are watering Spathiphyllum correctly, pay attention to its leaves. Dark spots that appear on them mean that there is too much moisture, but drooping leaves indicate a lack of water.
Women's happiness care
Like other indoor plants, Spathiphyllum needs a transplant as it grows. They are transplanted into a pot in the spring, a little more than it was before. If you choose a large pot, Spathiphyllum will stop blooming, the root system does not like a lot of soil. In the people - it is called "the plant is fattening" or "lazy". Due to the fact that this flower is a swamp, it needs the same land.
The soil, mixed with peat in a one-to-one ratio, is placed on the bottom of the pot. The finished composition must be disinfected with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and it is better to wait a few hours. It is necessary to transplant carefully, so as not to damage the roots, before transplanting it abundantly. It is necessary to plant by dividing the bush, but it is also possible by cuttings. Take a non-flowering stalk, cut it off at the root and stick it into a pot with soil, abundantly spilled, cover with a transparent jar on top.
Spathiphyllum needs to be fed once a week, it can be organic and mineral fertilizers. He loves the so-called "beer" top dressing. To implement it, take and pour some beer into a pile, mix with ten shots of water, mix and let stand for a day, and then water the flower with the resulting solution. The remaining liquid can be used after a week. Feeding with weak tea is also fine.
If you received Spathiphyllum as a gift, let this flower help you. And share your happiness with others, because when you give something, you get twice as much in return. Present feminine happiness to someone you consider unhappy.