Spathiphyllum Or Simply "female Happiness"

Spathiphyllum Or Simply "female Happiness"
Spathiphyllum Or Simply "female Happiness"

Spathiphyllum is otherwise called "female happiness" and is perfect for breeding at home.

About female happiness - how to breed, take care, what to do to bloom
About female happiness - how to breed, take care, what to do to bloom

It is believed that spathiphyllum helps single women to successfully find their other half, as well as those ladies who want to give birth to a child. It is not known how true this omen is, but it is also believed that having got "female happiness" you will enjoy the peaceful atmosphere of family happiness, mutual understanding and love.

It is very easy to care for this perennial southern plant, since it perfectly tolerates low light conditions. Even on the shaded northern windows, it feels great with sufficient watering, but it blooms more often and longer on a well-lit windowsill (the light should be diffused, direct sunlight can damage the plant).

During flowering, more abundant watering is recommended, but still check that the soil has time to dry out so as not to flood the spathiphyllum. It is also worth spraying it daily, transplanting it into fresh soil from time to time, but if your spathiphyllum is no longer young, it is enough to change the topsoil for its well-being.

Reproduction of the plant occurs by dividing the bush, so it is worth combining this procedure with a transplant. Please note that each rhizome has at least 2-3 leaves. Plant the separated part of the spathiphyllum bush in a small pot.

About female happiness - how to breed, take care, what to do if it does not bloom
About female happiness - how to breed, take care, what to do if it does not bloom

Helpful Hint: Don't expect a young plant to bloom. Experts believe that the flowering of "female happiness" begins when the roots fill the entire pot, which is why, if you want your plant to bloom as soon as possible, you should not plant it in a pot that is too spacious. By the way, spathiphyllum does not bloom due to too low temperature and dry air. Moreover, due to these reasons, the leaves may turn yellow and dry.
