Modern stores for hunters are replete with various equipment, so you can easily find a large variety of decoys in them. But hunters rarely use these goods, preferring to make duck decoys on their own.

It is necessary
- - birch twig
- - tin can
- - vice
- - drill
- - drill
- - knife
- - cambric
Step 1
There are no trifles in the manufacture of duck semolina: all processes are important, from the choice of material to sharpening the cutting tool. A duck decoy can be made from a birch knot. It should be strong enough without wormholes or signs of decay.
Step 2
A hole must be drilled in the knot along its axis. This will require a drill and drill. If possible, the hole is drilled on a lathe. You should know that the larger the diameter of the through hole in the knot, the lower the sound made by the decoy will be.
Step 3
Then the knot needs to be cut exactly in the middle of the resulting hole. This stage of work is not easy and will require the manufacture of auxiliary equipment: mandrels. It can be made from a block of wood. The purpose of the mandrel is to securely hold the knot. The work is performed using a vise and a thin wood saw.
Step 4
Each of the sawn parts must be processed so that the inner cavity takes on a wedge-shaped shape. For this, half of the knot is inserted into a mandrel, and it, in turn, into a vice. The layer of wood is removed with a sharpened knife. For those who do not have the skills of such work, it will be quite difficult to do this. Therefore, you can use another option: connect the two parts of a birch knot with tape and carefully remove the wood with a file.
Step 5
When both parts of the workpiece are ready, they are processed with sandpaper, including the internal cavities of the knot. Then they take an alcohol-based stain and a small brush with soft bristles. Each half of the semolina body is carefully painted. After drying, the parts can be coated with nitro varnish.
Step 6
Next, they begin to manufacture the membrane. To do this, you need a tin with a thickness of no more than 3 mm (for example, from a tin can). The diaphragm must be sized exactly for the resonator (wedge-shaped hole in the knot).
Step 7
The processed parts are connected, a membrane is inserted between them, and connected with a cambric. It can be made from elastic insulation, which is used in some types of wires. It remains to adjust the sound of decoy. For this, the membrane is moved along the resonator.
Step 8
The simplest duck decoy can be made from tubular bone. It is recommended to use the drumstick of game: hare, black grouse or wood grouse. Using a stick, the bone is thoroughly cleaned inside. Having stepped back from one of its ends 1-1.5 cm, a hole is drilled with a section of 2.5 mm. Chamfer the edges of the cut.
Step 9
Starting from the middle of the bone, remove its upper part. You should get a workpiece in the form of a long nut with a hole. Wax is inserted into its base, having previously given it the shape of a cylinder. A needle is inserted into the hole and an air channel is made, which is thoroughly cleaned of wax residues, otherwise the sound of semolina on a duck will be intermittent and not clean enough.