How To Make A Paper Duck

How To Make A Paper Duck
How To Make A Paper Duck

Table of contents:


What is not made of paper: boats, cars, flowers, people, jewelry, and many other animals and birds. Moreover, with the correct selection of the color of the paper used, a product, for example, a paper duck, turns out to be so believable that even a small child can easily recognize a duck or other character in it.

How to make a paper duck
How to make a paper duck

It is necessary

  • - square sheet of paper;
  • - scissors;
  • - PVA glue.


Step 1

Fold a square piece of paper diagonally and unfold it. Then turn this sheet over to the back side, moreover, so that the marked diagonal is horizontal.

Step 2

Fold the top and bottom edges of the model inward (they should be directed towards the diagonal line, but there should be a small gap between these folded edges).

Step 3

Fold the long, sharp edges inward (it should protrude just a little beyond the bent side edges). Make this fold softly. Then find the middle of the bent sharp edge, make a soft fold in the middle line and fold it in the opposite direction.

Step 4

Turn the workpiece over and fold it in half. Then, with one hand, hold the lower part of the duck, and with the other, slightly pull the head of the fake up (a neck should appear). After that, slightly lift the beak of the duck, as a result of which you get a new fold: slide over it.

Step 5

Correct the position of the folds of the tail of the duck's body: this will make the craft stable and the proportions correct.
