Already from four to five years old, children have their own inclinations in character. Before deciding on a gift, you need to know better the preferences of the baby. If an adult man can always get a standard set of shaving accessories for congratulations, when buying a gift for a little boy, you cannot get off with trivial items.

Choosing a gift for a boy depending on the child's hobbies
When buying a gift for a child, much depends on the character of the birthday person, age and interests. It will be much easier to choose a gift if the boy is your relative, because then you can resolve the issue with his parents, and it is better to discuss the presents in advance so that there are no identical surprises at the holiday.
If a boy is developed beyond his years, asks some deep and clarifying questions, puts forward his hypotheses, most likely he is a future engineer, inventor or scientist. We must support his aspirations in this area. The more skills and knowledge he receives at this time, the more interesting and easier it will be for him in the future. For such a kid, a children's guitar or synthesizer is quite suitable as a gift. Surely he will be able to master these tools.
Of course, you should not force the child to play music or something else, because this can achieve the opposite effect. Also, various constructors are suitable for an inquisitive boy. At this age, he will no longer swallow small details, and the game will allow him to develop imagination, harmony, a sense of balance.
A better and more interesting present would be a 3D puzzle. It is much more difficult to assemble it, the child may even need the help of adults. A task that is too easy or equally difficult can push the child away from the gift. A laptop can also be suitable for congratulations, but it is better to refrain from such a purchase, since at an early age the baby does not need to bother with the Internet and computer games.
Some young children are very fond of drawing. If your child has such inclinations, a children's easel will come in handy. This will strengthen hand motility, develop light perception, the ability to mix colors and get a new flavor.
For fidgets, a pedal car is better suited. The impressions of owning your own technique will remain for a long time. A bicycle will also be a good gift for a rider. Strengthening the legs and improving coordination, the ability to keep balance will not be superfluous.
Universal gift
The most difficult thing is to choose a gift for a little boy who has not yet decided on his hobbies and is in search. Such children can watch cartoons with enthusiasm, and play computer strategies, play a ball with their peers in the yard and watch their dad repair a washing machine for hours. It is better not to impose anything on such a child. A large toy in the shape of a dog or a tiger may well be suitable for a gift.
It is even more difficult with children who “have everything”. This phenomenon is often found in wealthy families. In this case, a radio-controlled helicopter or a boat can become a universal gift.