In order to draw the dome and it looked like a harmonious addition to the building, it is important not only to reflect its shape in the drawing, the main thing is to make it three-dimensional with the help of color.

Step 1
Draw a structure with a dome to crown it. The shape, style and size of this structure depend on the choice of the building. Make sure that the parts of the building correspond to each other in size.
Step 2
Select the shape of the dome that you want to depict. If you want to depict domes on Russian Orthodox churches, draw them in the form of bulbs - with pronounced convex sides and smoothly tapering at the top. In Greek and Bulgarian churches, the domes do not have such a bend, they rather resemble an egg. You can also depict umbrella-type vaults composed of wedges, bend them or twist them so that the wedges converge at the top, making a full turn around the base. If the dome is located on a structure that has a square cut, it can consist of four arched-type parts that converge at the top. Such domes resemble a pyramid with smooth edges and are called sail domes.
Step 3
Color in the domes. Use gouache to make them look dense and opaque. Choose the paint yourself, the domes are blue, pink, green, the main thing is that the shade is in harmony with the main color of the building. If you want to depict gold domes, use yellow and red shades, you can also use a special gold gouache. If you want to make the drawing light and transparent, give preference to watercolors.
Step 4
Remember the main rule: so that the dome does not look flat, it is necessary to paint in the same technique as all volumetric objects, that is, take into account the light factor. Determine where the light is hitting the dome, paint zones of light, partial shade and shadow on the surface. Add highlights and reflections to the drawing in the darkest part. If you are painting golden domes, use light strokes to indicate the reflection of the heavenly blue on the gilding.