Everyone loves to give gifts, and even more loves to receive them. A gift is an occasion to please another person with an unexpected surprise, and this surprise is the more pleasant, the more original it is decorated. If you bought an item for a friend or relative as a gift, it is not at all necessary to present it in a store packaging - you can well pack the box with the purchase in order to please the person being gifted.

Step 1
To get started, pick up the right pretty wrapping paper, take a ruler, scissors and a stationery knife. Get a sheet of wrapping paper that is large enough to completely wrap the box.
Step 2
To determine the size, place a gift in the center of the sheet and fold each of the edges of the paper towards the top center of the box. The sheet should match in width and height so that you have enough paper for wrapping and pasting the gift.
Step 3
Fold one edge of the wrapping paper up and tape it to the gift box.
Step 4
With one edge locked, fold the opposite edge up so that it overlaps the edge you just glued by a couple of centimeters. Also secure with tape.
Step 5
Now gently bend the ends - the sides of the package. Form even corners and fold them so that the end of the paper-wrapped box resembles a mailing envelope.
Step 6
Cover each end with a strip of tape. Your gift is wrapped - if you like, tie it with a ribbon or decorate with a decorative bow.
Step 7
While packing a square or rectangular box is easy enough, packing a round or oval gift box can be challenging. To wrap a round box in gift paper, cut out a square piece of paper and place the round box in the middle of the sheet.
Step 8
Fold one edge over the lid and, holding the edge, begin to collect neat folds directed to one side, towards the center of the lid. Gathering the paper in folds in a circle, you will see the resulting "bouquet" of paper, which must be fixed with tape or tape with a bow, and then beautifully straightened.