Having seen an interesting dream about a black dress with yellow polka dots, a person will certainly want to know its meaning. Various interpretations of dream books will determine what such a dream warns about, depending on the related items.

Why wear a black dress in a dream
According to some dream books, the meaning of this dream is negative. Most likely, this is a warning that you may soon find yourself in an awkward situation. There is an ancient superstition that in order to avoid this, you need to sew a few coffee beans to your everyday clothes, and certainly with black thread.
In the event that a young unmarried girl saw this dream, such a dream can promise her universal admiration. The torn dress worn on her in a dream, on the contrary, promises universal condemnation and censure for an act that she did not commit.
If an adult married woman tries on a dress in a dream, this is a warning about an unexpected rival. An exception in this case is a dream in which a woman sees that the dress is too big for her, so she has lost a lot of weight. In this case, the dream means that no rivals are afraid of her.
Black color in a dream is often a symbol of the unknown, secrets hidden in the subconscious or internal problems.
An old French dream book says that wearing a new dress in a dream, which you really like, portends an interesting journey in the very near future. But taking off your dress in a dream, according to the same dream book, is a warning about a possible illness.
Seeing a wrinkled dress on oneself in a dream portends a lot of trouble. You can find out whether these chores will be pleasant by the interpretation of other symbols of sleep.
If a woman sees on herself a dress with yellow polka dots of a very unusual, non-standard, pretentious cut - this dream warns her of imminent surprises in life, extraordinary acquaintances or travels.
Black dress with yellow polka dots - other situations
If a dress in a dream is stained with fat or oil, this is a harbinger of a favorable period in life, the patronage of higher people. Washing or cleaning your dress in a dream portends happiness, cleansing from old negativity in life. Ironing a freshly washed dress can dream of moving, it also portends happiness and good luck.
Bright, yellow accessories or wardrobe details seen in a dream speak of an approaching period of well-being, joy and enjoyment of life.
A warm dress portends colds.
A dream in which the pattern of the dress turned out to be inappropriate and you have to rip open what has just been sewn hints at extravagance. Having seen this dream, one should become more frugal. Sewing a dress by hand - a dream suggests that sooner or later hard work will be rewarded at its true worth.
Seeing a store in a dream and a lot of dresses in it promises an insult, deception, loss of confidence. Buying a dress in a place not intended for this promises an early reconciliation with a loved one.
If a girl sees a very short dress on herself, this can bode well for material problems.