How To Read The Vedas

How To Read The Vedas
How To Read The Vedas

The ancient word Vedas means knowledge. Sages compiled Vedic books, which described the ways to achieve self-sufficiency, universality and perfection, but until recently they were absent from material carriers. Today everyone can get access to the Vedas - but how to deal with the Vedas in order to learn from them the age-old wisdom?

How to read the Vedas
How to read the Vedas

Reading the Vedas

Today, to obtain sacred knowledge, it is not at all required to study a huge number of Vedic books. There are two main scriptures in which the entire depth of Vedic philosophy is collected - Bhagavad Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam. The Bhagavad Gita is the pearl of the Indian Vedic scriptures, which were recorded five thousand years ago by Vyasadeva, who attained perfect spiritual development. The second scripture, Srimad Bhagavatam, contains the most complete knowledge of the laws of the material universe.

The Srimad Bhagavatam consists of twelve songs, each of which is written in poetic form.

When starting to read the Vedas, a person turns to the source of such ancient wisdom that he may have a feeling that the Vedas are not attached to his nationality. This is an erroneous feeling, because the Vedas contain knowledge about the human soul, and not the place of his birth. Today, the Vedic books in their original version become available to the world, coming from the territory of India, therefore, in the original, only a person who thoroughly knows Sanskrit can read them.

Rules for reading the Vedas. What are they talking about?

Information in the Vedas is recorded at several levels - in this regard, each reader will understand only the wisdom for which his mind is ready. If a person is not familiar with Sanskrit, he can learn the meanings of the runes and try to read the Slavic-Aryan Vedas or their deciphered version. However, if the level of evolutionary development of a person is rather low, he will not understand the deep information encoded in the Vedic books - in whatever language they are written.

The difficulty in writing the Vedas was due to the fact that the most important information should not have fallen into the hands of people unable to apply their wisdom in practice.

The Vedas should be read with full faith in what has been written, since the human brain subconsciously perceives only information that it can believe in, or for which it is ready. The system of the Vedas is based on imagery - when reading them, three-dimensional thought forms and pictures appear in the head, therefore, in order to correctly read the Vedas, it is necessary to learn to defocus the vision. This is similar to the way that psychics look at a person's aura - however, it takes serious and persistent training to fully master it. As a result, a person can read "between the lines", deeply penetrating into the meaning of Vedic literature and its philosophical messages.
