Not so long ago, brooches were considered an adornment for older ladies. Grandmothers usually fastened them to an elegant sweater or dress jacket. At best, an inexpensive brooch was used to adorn a little girl's winter hat. And then they looked rather monotonous, especially when it came to jewelry: several colored pebbles in a yellow frame. Today, women are offered an incredible choice of a wide variety of brooches - jewelry, bijouterie, made of silver wire and bright plastic, in the form of animals and insects, with rhinestones, etc. etc. So you can safely make yourself a piece of jewelry from materials suitable for the occasion and be in trend.

It is necessary
- - fabrics of different colors and textures;
- - threads to match;
- - tapes;
- - lace;
- - beads and buttons;
- - badge or base for a brooch.
Step 1
Choose materials in the desired color scheme. It can be scraps of dense and gauzy fabric, beautiful buttons, beads, unusual yarn, decorative laces and ribbons, feathers. It is most convenient to use a special brooch base as a clasp, but in its absence, a smooth badge of a suitable size will do.

Step 2
Cut out a circle slightly larger in diameter than the badge from heavy, non-frizzy fabric. It is better if the fabric will stretch moderately. Gather it with a string to match and pull it over the badge. Fasten so that the fabric does not interfere with fastening and unfastening the brooch. If using a brooch base, secure the fabric to a cardboard mug.

Step 3
From a lighter fabric, cut out a circle twice the diameter.

Step 4
Gather it around the edge with a string and pull it tight. Fasten the thread and sew the resulting piece onto the brooch base (knot up).

Step 5
From a fabric of a different color, cut out a ribbon that is two diameters of the badge and a length of at least 10-15 cm. Process the edges (it is better to take fabric that is easy to melt in a candle flame), fold the ribbon lengthwise and gather it on a thread so that when pulled together, all the edges turn out to be inside.

Step 6
Sew the gathered ribbon over the first layer of the brooch. Cover the sewing area with a suitable button on the leg. Decorate with a feather. To keep it stronger, you can not only sew it under the button, but also gently glue it to the brooch with transparent glue.

Step 7
If the brooch looks unfinished, pick up the details. You can decorate it with beads, ribbons, or simply wrap the button leg with decorative yarn. If using a special fastener, sew it on at this stage to the assembled decoration.