Is the doll suddenly without an arm? Calm the child down and try to fix the situation yourself.

It is necessary
doll, her hand, the ability not to despair in difficult situations
Step 1
If your doll's hand falls off, just pick it up, shake it off, and reinsert it. If the hand is broken in half, then glue it with tape, and put the doll in a blouse with long sleeves so that the place of repair is not conspicuous. Or, conversely, glue the tape with rhinestones, and then the tape can be passed off as an element of a fashionable doll outfit.
If you need to make a hand for a paper doll, then take a simple pencil, check it for sharpening and draw on the doll's hand. Check that there are five fingers, although this is not an extremely important moment - the paper doll is not with this hand. You can therefore draw 4 fingers or even six.
Step 2
If the snow doll does not have enough hands, then you have to work hard. Roll up a small ball of snow. Slide it gently over where your hand should be. If you are not very cold, then you can try to sculpt fingers on this snowy hand. If you have a lot of free time, then you can pick twigs, make a broom from them and give the doll in your hand. A doll with a broom is always prettier than just a doll.
Step 3
For the hand of the straw doll, take a bundle of straw, attach it to the body, tie the attachment point with a string. For a plasticine doll, simply mold a new hand. Plasticine is good because it is a material that is easy to work with, and therefore you can pre-stick several spare hands and put them in a box.