Making a house for a Barbie doll and her friends is an incredibly exciting pastime that can be done by the whole family, there is something for everyone. A dad can "build" a house, a mom can make the necessary furniture, and a child can draw pictures or sculpt toy dishes. Many materials for the house can be found, because it can be made using the available tools and a variety of improvised things.

House for Barbie from cardboard boxes
A toy can be made from a variety of materials, but the most affordable for construction are cardboard shoe boxes. Their number depends on the number of rooms in the future house. In addition, you will need:
- colored paper or wallpaper remnants;
- scotch tape;
- scissors;
- glue;
- brush;
- paints.
Match boxes of roughly the same size. For a one-story house, you need 4 pieces. Cut off 2 sides from each and make them up, joining the side walls. This will create a house of four rooms: an entrance hall, a living room, a bedroom and a kitchen. Fasten the walls with Moment glue and fix them with tape. If you want the Barbie house to be multi-storey, make another similar blank, put it on the first one and fasten the structure with tape.
Inside, cover the sides of the boxes with wallpaper or colored paper, while it is desirable that the rooms are decorated in different ways. The Barbie house is ready, now it needs to be furnished.
How to make furniture with your own hands
Make the sofa and armchairs for the living room from pieces of foam rubber. Cut out the rectangles, paint them in the desired color. After they dry, glue the parts together. Blankets, cushions and even carpets can be knitted or crocheted using leftover thread. The table can be made from a matchbox; for this, take its inner part and glue one wooden toothpick to each corner.
Also make a dresser for the bedroom from matchboxes. Take 4 pieces and glue them together. This will create a locker with drawers. Cover it with colored paper. And to make the drawers easier to open, make handles from pieces of wire and beads.
Use a piece of thick cardboard to make a comfortable and beautiful bed. Cut out several rectangles of the required size and glue them together. Cut a similar part out of foam rubber and put it on cardboard, cover everything with a cloth.
Cut a rectangle out of a piece for the bedspread, sew the bedding.
Make kitchen cabinets from matchboxes as well. Glue the inner parts of the boxes to the walls for comfortable open shelves. The dining table and chairs can be made from ice cream sticks, and the dishes can be molded from plasticine or polymer clay.
To make your Barbie's house cozy, fill it with nice little things, like making paintings. The simplest thing is to use stickers, postcards and magazine clippings for this purpose, and your child can also draw works of art. Cut out a small frame from cardboard, stick it on the picture and attach it to the wall with Moment glue. Sculpt vases from plasticine and put bouquets of dried flowers in them.