A hand-made thing is always pleasant not only to receive, but also to give. Sometimes you don't need any reason to please your mothers, grandmothers, and girlfriends. A bright bouquet of textile tulips will cheer you up and create comfort in your apartment.

It is necessary
- - green cloth for the stem and leaves;
- - colored fabric for the bud;
- - filler (it can be a synthetic winterizer or ordinary cotton wool);
- - needle, thread, scissors, glue gun, sewing machine, fabric marker;
- - a vase for a future bouquet (you can replace a pots or a basket).
Step 1
Using the picture, cut out the required number of tulips. The length of the stem must be adjusted to the chosen vase - shorten, lengthen, or leave the same. You can also choose the number of leaves yourself - it is not necessary to cut out an equal number of buds and leaves, but if there are few of them, the bouquet will look “bald”. When cutting out parts, leave a little space for allowances.

Step 2
All details need to be stitched, the front side should be inside.

Step 3
Each detail must be turned out and ironed carefully. If you wish, you can sew the future bud with decorative stitching, so the tulip will look prettier.

Step 4
We proceed to stuffing the parts with filler. It is convenient to fill the stem with a pre-divided and twisted padding polyester, armed with a knitting needle or a Chinese chopstick. If you want to give the stem more stability, then you can put a thick wire inside it.

Step 5
We sew the edge of the bud with a seam forward with a needle, the indent should be at least 5 mm. After that, we wrap the edge and tighten it. Do not tighten the bud too tightly.

Step 6
Insert the stem into the resulting hole and sew the structure with a blind seam. The design must be strong, a few stitches through the stem and bud will help to secure it, as shown in the picture.

Step 7
The last step is to attach the leaf to the stem. This is done with a glue gun.