With the increase in the belly of a pregnant woman, it becomes more difficult to find a comfortable position for sleeping and resting. A special pillow for pregnant women will help the woman to comfortably sit on the bed, on which it will also be convenient to feed the baby after childbirth.

Such a thing is quite expensive in stores, and after a while there will be no need to use it, so the best option is to sew a pillow for pregnant women with your own hands. Moreover, this does not require special needlework skills.
To calculate the amount of material required, you need to decide on the shape and size of the pillow. The largest of them has the shape of the letter "U" and bends around the body on both sides. The average length of such a pillow is about 120 cm, so you will need about 2.5 meters of fabric with a width of 120 cm. A pillow in the "I" shape will require half of this amount. A small assistant of a pregnant woman in the "C" shape is placed only under the belly, and therefore a cut of 70-80 cm in length will be enough for her. Naturally, the size of the pillows can vary depending on the wishes and needs of the pregnant woman.
When choosing the material from which the pillow for pregnant women will be sewn, special attention must be paid to its naturalness. Silk or cotton can be used as a cover, and a synthetic winterizer or fluff is needed to fill the pillow.
You can sew pillowcases on the maternity pillow, which will be convenient to wash in case of contamination. It is better to choose the colors of the material for making a pillow for pregnant women with your own hands, delicate, floral or monochromatic, so that bright colors do not interfere with sleep for mom and baby.
The pillow is sewn from two identical pieces, mirrored to each other. To cut a pillow for pregnant women, it will be convenient to fold a piece of fabric in half. It is better to make a drawing on graph paper or tracing paper, and only then cut it out and transfer it to the fabric. When transferring a pattern, it is necessary to leave allowances of 1.5-2 cm for the seams.
Cut parts should be folded facing each other, pinned and swept away, leaving a hole for stuffing. If possible, it is better to sew a pillow for pregnant women on a sewing machine, and if it is not available, you can do it manually. After the basting thread has been pulled out, the base of the pillow can be turned out, stuffed tightly and sewn up.
Cushion covers are cut out and sewn in the same way. You can insert a zipper into them for a more convenient change, or make a small overlap of fabric at the end, as is done on pillowcases.