The monotonous work in the office makes people look for fun at the work chair. This kind of entertainment can be the art of origami. By folding a seahorse or other animal figurine at lunchtime, you will distract from work and do a little warm-up for the brushes.

It is necessary
- - rectangular sheet of paper
- - scissors
- - pen or pencil
Step 1
To create a seahorse figurine, you need a rectangular sheet of paper. A regular white sheet will do, but a blue or greenish sheet will look better. Fold the rectangular sheet in half using the smallest side.

Step 2
Fold the double rectangle in half again using the smallest side.
Step 3
Fold the rectangle into a triangle. To do this, place the lower left corner of the workpiece against the upper right corner and iron the part by hand. Expand the part back. Along the formed fold line, cut off the upper part of the part. For further work, we only need the lower part.
Step 4
Make two folds to create two protruding side corners.
Step 5
Flatten the two protruding corners by pushing down on the sharp part with your hand. Then fold the shape in half away from you.
Step 6
Fold the right side of the part to its long side. Then turn the piece over and repeat the procedure for the other right side.
Step 7
Turn out the top of the workpiece.
Step 8
In the same way, twist the bottom of the resulting shape.
Step 9
Bend the seahorse blank along the lower and upper dashed lines.
Step 10
Bend the top of the piece to create the seahorse head. And to form the tail of it, bend the bottom corner up.
Step 11
Finally shape the tail and nose of the seahorse by bending the top and bottom of the workpiece once more.
Step 12
If you made a seahorse out of plain white paper, then darken the folds with a simple pencil or ballpoint pen. The figure is ready.