Celtic Animal Horoscope: Seahorse

Celtic Animal Horoscope: Seahorse
Celtic Animal Horoscope: Seahorse

The totem animal for people born from May 13 to June 9 is the seahorse. This small and nimble creature endows the person whom it patronizes with the ability to react quickly, change quickly and successfully adapt to various circumstances.

Celtic horoscope
Celtic horoscope

A person born under the sign of the seahorse gives the impression of a determined, open, bright, positive and friendly personality. The seahorse always strives to attract more attention to itself, to come to the fore and be in the spotlight. People who are patronized by this sea animal feel free on stage, they are artistic, talkative and literally radiate self-confidence.

If a person was born under the sign of a seahorse, then he should choose one of the following professions: speaker, theater actor, musician, photographer, model or fashion designer. However, it is not only the creativity and desire to shine on stage that are strong in seahorses. Such individuals are great at managing finances. They make excellent economists, bankers, financiers, accountants. The seahorse man is very inventive and smart, he knows how to make money and is able to teach this skill to everyone around him, if he himself, of course, so desires. In addition, people under the auspices of such a sea creature are interested in jurisprudence, history, and excellent lawyers, consultants, investigators, detectives, archaeologists, historians can emerge from them.

The seahorse is a dodgy animal, small and nimble. People who are under the auspices of the seahorse think outside the box, they are not interested and alien to all sorts of patterns and stereotypes. Thanks to innate quick wits and increased attention, seahorse people successfully find loopholes and exits where other personalities do not notice them. The seahorse radiates positive and confidence in the future, it does not allow itself or those around it to become discouraged. It seems that for such a person there are no insoluble questions, he is able to extricate himself from any difficult situation.

The seahorse man has a tenacious character. He is ready for the difficulties that may arise during the achievement of the desired goal. Due to the fact that the seahorse man is very stubborn, persistent and stubborn, he manages to carry out even the most daring plans. But only if he really does not doubt his own strengths and is interested in the final positive result.

Many people find it difficult to get along with a person who, according to the ancient Celtic horoscope of animals, is a seahorse. And all because such a person reacts quickly, makes decisions quickly. His speech is often hasty, his movements are sharp and seemingly chaotic. Such a person constantly wants to be in motion, hates stagnation, does not like to stagnate in one place and wait. Waiting for a seahorse is unbearable, he wants to get everything at once. From the outside, such a person gives the impression of being fussy, fickle, restless.

Another difficulty that arises when communicating with such people is that seahorses easily change their point of view. They are very flexible, they quickly figure out which position to take in order to get more benefits or to present themselves in an attractive light. Such people can interrupt communication, disappear, abruptly quit their jobs, and so on without much remorse. However, if the man-seahorse realizes that what he previously abandoned is still valuable to him, he will come back, sincerely apologize and try to restore old ties.

The seahorse man has a brilliant memory. He remembers even the smallest details. If such a person grows and develops in an unfavorable environment, then he can become vindictive, very touchy and vindictive. The seahorse does not forgive mistakes, betrayal and deception.
