Do not throw an empty matchbox into the garbage chute. Using a little imagination and slightly changing the shape of the matchboxes, you can make a very interesting model of a car or truck. Such manufacture of models from matchboxes will be very interesting and useful for preschool children.

How to make a model car
To make a car, you need three empty box of ordinary matches, two empty ballpoint pen rods, some thin copper wire and two pieces of aluminum or steel wire 10 centimeters long and 2.5 millimeters in diameter. You will also need a simple pencil, ruler, scissors, and a utility knife.
Take one matchbox and disconnect the box and the box lid. On the top of the lid, cut the box at both ends. The slot should end 5 millimeters from the edge of the box lid. Fold back the trimmed section at an angle of 110 degrees. Step back 15 millimeters from the edge of the trimmed part and cut off the rest of the top of the box lid. In the figure, the part to be cut off is shaded. Returning the box to its place, we get the car cab with a windshield.
Take the second matchbox and take it apart. Divide the lid of the box across into two equal parts. Cut a box 12 millimeters from both sides from the box and insert these parts back into the lid. Glue the resulting part with the part from the first box with PVA glue.
We use the middle of the box as a material for the manufacture of car seats. We measure out two pieces of 10 millimeters each, cut them off and glue them to the interior of the car.
Disassemble the third matchbox completely and cut out 16 circles with a diameter of 20 millimeters from it. Glue 4 circles together with PVA glue. These blanks will be the wheels of the car. Put the wheels on empty ballpoint pens or wire and solder the ends with a lighter, slightly flattening them. Glue the axles to the bottom of the matchboxes. The car model is ready.