Old Hose Mat

Old Hose Mat
Old Hose Mat

Table of contents:


This is not the first time I am surprised at human fantasy. It is simply limitless. Even the old leaky hose was used! Let's talk about how to make it.

Old hose mat
Old hose mat

It is necessary

  • - an old leaky hose;
  • - square door carpet;
  • - glue;
  • - secateurs;
  • - scissors;
  • - bottle caps.


Step 1

So, we start making the future unusual rug. First, put the base on a flat surface. She will have a door carpet. Then we cut off a piece from the hose with a pruner. It should fit the size of the base and form a kind of semicircular border of the hose carpet.

Step 2

Next, we take glue and generously lubricate the just cut piece of hose with it. Then we glue it onto a square base. After the performed operation, it is necessary to press the glued segment with some heavy object and leave it in this state until morning. This is necessary for the glue to dry.

Step 3

The next day, you need to do the same steps, that is, cut a piece of the desired length and glue it to the base. Please note that all segments must be tightly pressed against each other. We do this with all the segments.

Step 4

When the entire base is pasted over, you should cut off the protruding ends of the hose that spoil the whole view. This should be done with a secateurs.

Step 5

Well, and the final step. For him we need bottle caps. You need to apply glue to them and insert hose segments into the holes. Then we cut off the excess part of the plugs with scissors. The hose mat is ready!
