We have all heard about psychics who see right through people, speak water and cure many diseases. In fact, extrasensory perception is a person's super ability to foresee future or past events, to control their energy and subconsciousness. There are several practices for the development of extrasensory perception. By following them, you can master extrasensory abilities.

Step 1
Practice one. Sit in a calm place and close your eyes. Take deep breathing. Feel the spiritual light burning within you. Feel your body being filled with grace. Do this exercise until you learn to hear your inner voice revealing to you the secret of the universe.
Step 2
Practice two. Train your inner sense of harmony constantly. Fill your body with life energy. When local pain or tingling occurs, focus on the source of the pain, mentally making it weaker until it disappears completely. Constantly be in a state of happiness and radiate a smile and joy.
Step 3
Practice three. Develop in yourself "Diamond Will", which is able to change the world around you and the circumstances of your life for the better. Through this practice, learn to draw away people with negative energies and attract positive emotions. Learn to feel what the coming day or event will bring, that this or that person is fraught with.
Step 4
Practice four. Develop a sense of self-control within yourself. Analyze your thoughts and dreams at the subconscious level. Meditate. Practice qigong or yoga to improve your body and spirit. Train your body while hardening your mind. Open your mind to perceive life processes on a deeper level.