A psychic is a person who senses or sees supernatural phenomena or things. To find out if you have such abilities, you should remember or find out if there were psychics in your family tree, analyze your life, contact specialists.

Step 1
Ask your elderly relatives if you had fortune-tellers, midwives, healers, telepaths, healers, etc. in your family. The gift of extrasensory perception is inherited.
Step 2
Analyze your life. Answer yourself the following questions: 1) Have you seen anything unusual: ghosts, spirits, moving things, white heels, etc.? 2) Have you heard voices or sounds from the other world? 3) Have you seen prophetic dreams ? 4) Do you anticipate any future events? 5) Do you read or accurately guess the thoughts of another person? 6) Do you feel the mood of another person at a distance? 7) Do you see through objects? 8) Can you how- then control objects with the power of thought or emotions? 9) Did you manage to "jinx" another person or mentally impose your will on him? If you answered “yes” to most of these questions, then you should seriously think about your abilities and turn to specialists.
Step 3
Contact special centers (for example, at the Russian Academy of Folk Healing and Psychological Practices), where you can not only be tested, but they will also teach you how to develop or manage your extrasensory gift.