How To Know You Have A Keeper

How To Know You Have A Keeper
How To Know You Have A Keeper

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“My angel, come with me. You are ahead, I am behind you. " From time immemorial, the question of faith has worried the minds of humanity. Regardless of enlightenment, closeness to the church - almost every person at least once in his life wondered if there really is something that is higher than us. It is generally accepted that everyone has a guardian angel, a saint "attached" to us from birth, who, on an equal basis with parents, removes any misfortune, relieves of useless plans, inspires and supports in the most daring undertakings, those that are for the good. So how do you understand and make sure that the heavenly educator has not forgotten and is still looking after you?

How to know you have a keeper
How to know you have a keeper


Step 1

Intuition (late Lat. Intuitio, from Lat. Intueor - I look intently), the ability to comprehend the truth by direct perception of it without justification with the help of proof. (Yandex dictionaries). Is everything really that easy and simple really? Where do the answers to the questions come from? There is an expression: "A man knows everything, just does not guess." Regardless of age, social status, culture and heredity, such a concept as intuition is known to everyone. In difficult or ambiguous situations, she unmistakably prompts where to follow, helps not to step on the "same rake" and choose the best direction of the path. It is on the readiness of a person to hear his inner voice that the success of most of the planned events largely depends. One way or another, but none of us can deny the evidence of the presence of an inner guide. One of the TV channels even has a show dedicated to this hidden human potential. Of course, in the light of spotlights and the presence of an audience of thousands, it is difficult to concentrate and it often happens that the main character gets lost and does not see seemingly obvious facts. However, this does not prevent the truth from remaining true. Intuition is an intimate conversation with oneself. It should take place in silence without witnesses. The secrets of the universe are rather modest and are not revealed publicly.

Step 2

Prophetic dreams. Many great discoveries have been accomplished in dreams. Remember Mendeleev with his periodic table of elements. Or Socrates. Already sentenced to death, he saw Homer in a dream, who told him in a famous verse: "In three days you will see those fertile countries …" And indeed, after three days Socrates died. Of course, everything can be attributed to the verdict, but how to explain the accuracy with which the date of death was predicted? A similar phenomenon is familiar to most of us. At least once in a lifetime: a revelation, a prediction or an answer to a question came at the time of being in the power of Morpheus. Unlike intuition, for the notorious realist, this phenomenon does not find a single acceptable explanation. If in the first case, in addition to his feelings, a person can rely on the mind, then being in an unconscious state, internal control is turned off completely and completely. Those revelations that come in a dream can be neither analyzed nor criticized. This is information for thought that is presented to us without any explanation. To perceive or not is a personal choice of everyone.

Step 3

Lucky case. Luck. In the course of higher education there is such a discipline "theory of probability". It is based on scientifically explaining things that cannot be explained. For a general presentation, I will give a classic example from the course: “Let the urn contain 6 identical, thoroughly mixed balls, and 2 of them are red, 3 are blue and 1 is white. Obviously, the ability to take a colored (that is, red or blue) ball out of the urn at random is greater than the ability to take out a white ball. Can this opportunity be characterized by a number? It turns out you can. This number is called the probability of an event (the appearance of a colored ball). Thus, the probability is a number that characterizes the degree of possibility of an event occurring. It would seem that everything is simple. If you follow this theory, then literally your whole life can be calculated using the formula. But what if, with all the variety of options, in any case, you get a white ball? Mistake, cheating, or just luck? Luck, as you know, loves the brave. Therefore, trying to calculate everything for many years ahead, to plan and follow a clearly outlined plan is not only impossible, but also stupid. The beauty of life is in its unpredictability. The most important thing is not to be afraid to live.
