Already in ancient times, people predicted the fate of plants. This type of divination is called floromancy. Nowadays, divination on a chamomile "Loves - does not love" is widely known. However, you can guess using other colors as well.

Fortune telling on a sunflower
Pick a sunflower, make a wish and remove ten seeds from the flower. If all the seeds are filled with kernels inside, the desire will soon come true. If you come across one empty seed, obstacles will arise in the path of your dreams. If two or more seeds are empty, the wish will not come true.
Fortune telling on roses
You will need three roses - red, white and yellow - and granulated sugar. Pour sand on the table in the form of a circle, and tear off two petals from each rose. Formulate three questions: the first question should be about feelings (for example, "Does he love me?"), The second - about a career or money, the third - on any other topic. Mentally ask the first question (about feelings) and toss two red petals high above the circle.
If both petals fall into a circle, the answer to your question is yes. If only one of the petals falls into the circle, the answer is "maybe yes, maybe not." If both petals fall outside the circle, the answer is no. Do the same with yellow petals, asking about a career, and with white ones, asking a question on any other topic.
Fortune telling on violets
Place a pot of violets at the head of your bed and ask the flowers any question before bed. The answer will come in a dream.
Fortune telling
Go to the garden where the marigolds grow and choose the two flowers you like the most. Call one of them "Yes", and the second - "No". Watch them until evening. A flower that closes faster at night and gives you the answer to your question.