In the past, people paid attention to even insignificant moments and circumstances, interpreting them as signs of fate. Therefore, many folk signs are associated with completely everyday things. For example, our ancestors believed that a thread attached to clothes or hair was not at all an accident. But how is such a superstition interpreted? And what other signs are there about threads?

The most famous interpretation of the sign about a thread adhering to clothes and hair sounds like this: a loved one, a groom or a bride, will appear soon. It is believed that if the thread is dark in color, then the chosen one (or the chosen one) will be a brunette, brown-haired. When the thread is white, the person destined by fate is blond or light-haired. Red, orange or brown hints at a lover (or sweetheart) with red hair.
What does the color of the thread mean: the opinion of folk will
If a thread of any light - pastel - shade has stuck, you should expect quick changes in life. At the same time, they will be pleasant, positive. Relations in the family will improve, the problem situation at work will be resolved, the business started will be completed successfully.
A brown tint is not always associated with a loved one's hair color. Often a thread of this color found on clothing hints that a period of stagnation is beginning. Everything will fall out of hand, it will not be possible to complete projects, implement plans. The universe seems to be hinting: this is not the time to act, we must wait and gain strength. Against the background of procrastination, a bad mood, blues, apathy, physical lethargy are possible.
Threads of yellow, bronze, gold tones, according to folk signs, cling to a person when a journey awaits him soon. The trip will be long, but pleasant, will bring new acquaintances and charge with emotions.
Black or dark gray threads that suddenly appear on clothes are a bad sign. They warn of the beginning of the "dark streak". Scandals and quarrels are likely at home, at work, with friends or distant relatives. It will not work to prevent conflicts.
Red and pink threads are a signal that it's time to get ready for a new romantic adventure. A fateful meeting will happen, and light flirting will turn into a serious relationship.
If the thread is blue, lilac or purple stuck to clothes, hair, then grief, tears, bad news await ahead. Deals will fail, communication with friends will go wrong. Empty unpleasant conversations and bad news are likely.
The green color of the thread informs about the upcoming changes in the business and professional sphere. The money situation will improve, there will be a promotion at work. It is also possible an unexpected but extremely pleasant event. It will turn out to achieve the most daring goals, luck and success will be near.
Other superstitions about thread
If there are many knots on the thread adhering to the clothes, a lot of minor problems, worries and troubles await ahead. Finding such a thread before a business trip or trip means that many unpleasant problems will arise along the way.
The longer the thread, the longer you will have to wait for the fulfillment of a desire, dream or prediction.
If, when sewing or knitting, the threads stubbornly twist, then very soon you will have to solve very difficult questions and problems. Dangerous situations with risks to health, life or financial situation lie ahead.
When the thread gets confused when sewing and does not obey, it promises a long and happy life. Another interpretation: a lot of envious people gathered around. If a young girl sews with an exceptionally long thread, then she will not get married soon, or the wedding will take place far from home, for example, in another country.
If a strong thread suddenly breaks, folk omens claim that this is to quarrels and partings.
Superstitious people say that in no case should you sew anything on yourself. Otherwise, memory will deteriorate, health will deteriorate.
If a thing is sewn to order for someone, and the threads are constantly "odd" (torn, confused, and so on), then the customer is by nature harmful, cunning and deceitful. It is better to stay away from such a person.