Signs And Superstitions About Watches

Signs And Superstitions About Watches
Signs And Superstitions About Watches

From the distant past, many superstitions associated with watches have come down to our days. Our ancestors believed in the mystical power contained in both wrist and wall clocks. In the past, it was believed that the clockwork was often used by sorcerers and witches, wishing to "steal" the energy from another person and the time allotted to him in this world.

Signs about watches
Signs about watches

Most of the signs and superstitions about watches have a negative connotation. However, they do not always portend some terrible, unwanted change. Often, problems with watches are a kind of sign from the Universe. It may indicate that a person urgently needs to resolve long-standing issues or analyze events that have happened in the recent past.

Negative omens about watches

The wall clock suddenly fell - to the funeral, tears and misfortunes. Some of the close relatives will become seriously ill, or there will be a fire in the house, bursting pipes.

If the strap on the wristwatch is frayed, it means that the owner of the accessory makes the wrong decisions and follows the wrong path in life. You need to quickly reconsider priorities, change goals, otherwise you will have to face insoluble problems.

Any watch received as a gift is a very bad sign. You can lose vitality, health, beauty and youth. In no case should you accept watches from strangers or suspicious people as a gift.

When the watch suddenly fell off the hand, it means that the person is wasting time. He is too concentrated on some small matters and worries, not noticing the impending unpleasant changes.

If the hands on the alarm clock begin to rotate in the opposite direction, it is recommended that you either get rid of the watch or take it for repair as soon as possible. Such behavior of the clockwork, according to superstitious people and magicians, suggests that something unpleasant from the past will return to life. These can be repeated scary events or people who have seriously harmed in the past.

In folk signs about watches, it is said that if the glass of an accessory is broken, it portends a serious illness or even death to the owner. The cracked glass near the wall clock warns that a "black streak" will begin soon, there will be conflicts and scandals in the family.

A broken wristwatch for no reason is a sign that you will not be able to achieve your goals. The obstacles that have arisen on the way will be impossible to overcome. Any undertakings will lead to collapse and losses.

Signs and superstitions about watches
Signs and superstitions about watches

From the point of view of superstition, it is very bad if a person accidentally lost his watch. This hints that stagnation will begin in life, there is a risk of getting bogged down in problems and stopping in development. The long-awaited changes will not come.

If the clock starts to lag behind or is constantly running forward, it is necessary to reconsider the rhythm of life to avoid problems. Haste in action will lead to mistakes, blunders, exhaustion. Delay will turn into misfortunes and intractable questions.

Positive signs and superstitions about watches

People who believe in mysticism and magic believe that watches can be an excellent talisman. Especially those that are passed down from generation to generation in the family. They accumulate a special vital energy, they help to establish contact with ancestors and give their protection.

The situation when this accessory unexpectedly turned out to be found on the street is also a positive sign about watches. This should be taken as a favorable sign from fate. Luck, pleasant changes and joyful events await ahead. However, it is not recommended to take home an ownerless watch, as damage can be put on it.

If the big and small hands point to the same numbers on the dial, or the same numbers are displayed on the electronic watch, for example, 21:21, then at that moment you should quickly make a wish. It is believed that it will definitely come true. In addition, people say that such a sign promises success in business, interesting events in life and pleasant gifts.
