Signs And Superstitions About Keys

Signs And Superstitions About Keys
Signs And Superstitions About Keys

The key is not just a thing that is used regularly in everyday life. It is also a special magical artifact, the power of which is not known to everyone. There are many signs and superstitions associated with keys. Some of them hint at positive changes in life, others warn about the beginning of the "black streak".

Signs about keys
Signs about keys

Our ancestors believed that keys should be handled very carefully and carefully. It was not customary to throw them carelessly on a table or windowsill if you did not want to bring problems to life. And a key accidentally found at an intersection, a deserted road should have been bypassed. Such an object could be spellbound, deliberately planted by an evil sorcerer or a black witch.

There are many different signs associated with keys. How can they be correctly interpreted and deciphered?

Positive omens about keys

If a shiny new key comes across under your feet on the street, it promises success in business and profit. When an ancient key, covered with rust, was found, folk signs say that this is a sign - soon a "white streak" will begin in life. However, you should not take the find with you.

Lost key - what is it for? Do not be upset, this situation is interpreted exclusively positively. The loss is a sign from the Universe that soon it will be possible to deal with old problems, long-awaited changes will come to life, the money situation will improve, and there will be an opportunity for career growth. And if, after a while, the keys are still found, then this marks the beginning of a new life stage, which will be bright and successful.

When rust suddenly appears on a bunch of keys for no reason, this also applies to good signs. Soon, the owner of the bundle will be able to get rid of any negative, addiction, or he will be presented with a valuable gift.

If at the moment of making any decisions, the key breaks, this means that the person has chosen the right path. All problems will be resolved, and the work started will be completed successfully.

When, before the wedding, the groom or the bride loses the keys to the house, then there is no need to sow panic. Folk omens claim that this is a positive sign. The married life will turn out well.

Superstitious people believe: in order to get rid of family problems, every time you return home, you need to hang up or put your keys completely silently. However, they must always be stored in the same place. To get rid of the chaos in life, you should also keep the keys in the bag in the pocket strictly designated for them.

Signs and superstitions about keys
Signs and superstitions about keys

Negative omens and superstitions associated with keys

People say that you can't put your keys on the table. This will turn into scandals with relatives, financial difficulties. Also, you shouldn't throw your bunch of keys onto the windowsill. In this version, it acts as a magnet for misfortune, without any evil forces.

Dropping the keys - to quarrels with loved ones. If they fell off the table or shelf, a series of small worries, troubles and affairs will begin in life, which will take a lot of energy. It is also likely that relations with friends, relatives, with colleagues at work and with bosses are likely to deteriorate.

It is considered a bad omen to lose the keys on the eve of a long trip, travel. The loss is a sign that everything will not go according to plan, a lot of insoluble, unpleasant problems will arise on the way. There is a risk of getting into a disaster, accident or seriously ill. If a young man, going to serve in the army, loses the key, then he will never return home.

Lost keys during the move hint that problems, tears and misfortunes await in the new place.

When a bunch of keys unexpectedly fell out of hand, as soon as a person crossed the threshold of the house, then he should begin to prepare for disagreements in the family and for major problems in life. To drop the keys on the street - the business started will not lead to success, business meetings will fail, significant financial losses are likely.
