Svetlana Varguzova: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Svetlana Varguzova: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Svetlana Varguzova: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Among viewers and critics, there is a belief that singing on the opera stage is much more difficult than on the stage. People's Artist of the Russian Federation Svetlana Varguzova got into the operetta by accident. I got there by accident and reached stellar heights.

Svetlana Varguzova
Svetlana Varguzova

School soloist

At an early age, many girls dream of becoming actresses or singers. Only talented and persistent people achieve their goals. Svetlana Pavlovna Varguzova was born on September 11, 1944 in an unusual Soviet family. The unusualness of the family was that parents, both father and mother, loved to sing. The head of the family was in the habit of performing arias from the opera Eugene Onegin. And the hostess of the house loved mischievous ditties. From the moment of birth, the girl listened not to lullabies at night, but to classical works.

Svetlana studied well at school. Most of all she liked the singing lessons. Already in the sixth grade, she attended the children's choir classes. This collective was led by the famous Soviet choirmaster and composer Semyon Dunaevsky. Professionals worked with the choir members. The children were taught a musical taste. They played a voice. Songs and vocal and instrumental compositions performed by the children's choir were regularly recorded on the radio. Together with Svetlana, the future pop star Valentina Tolkunova sang.

Lady Operetta

After school, in order to receive a classical music education, Varguzova entered the vocal department of the Gnessin School. Circumstances developed in such a way that the student was transferred to the theater department. The teaching load has increased here. Svetlana had to master not only the technique of singing, but also the basics of acting. The young and energetic student coped with all the lessons and exams with excellent marks.

Already in her fourth year, Varguzova was invited and accepted into the staff of the Operetta Theater. The stage debut was brilliant. The young performer behaved professionally on stage in the operetta "Beauty Contest". The audience warmly received and greeted her with applause. It is important to emphasize that Svetlana was accepted into their circle by world-famous actresses, including the legendary Tatiana Shmyga. From the first weeks, the new performer was included in the main repertoire performances.

Personal life plots

Varguzova's creative career was developing successfully. For many years she performed on stage with the talented actor Yuri Vedeneev. Rumors even appeared in the audience that they live as one family. No, this is just a creative union. The personal life of the actress developed only on the second attempt. In her first marriage with a colleague on the stage, Svetlana lived for five years. She gave birth to a daughter, Anna. When her husband's jealousy and nagging became unbearable, she simply left him.

The actress met the professor of jurisprudence at a concert. After a while, they began to live under the same roof. Husband and wife value their relationship. Behind him is almost forty years of being together. Granddaughters don't forget grandparents. The actress is sometimes invited to perform and is offered moderate fees. Life goes on.
