A pug is a small decorative dog weighing 6-8 kg with a large head and large round dark eyes. The short beige coat begs to be stroked, and the pug is a very friendly creature. You can draw such a miracle using simple techniques.

It is necessary
- - album sheet,
- - pencil,
- - eraser.
Step 1
Sketch in the middle of the sheet with a pencil. Draw a rectangle. This will be the body of the dog. Attach a square to the upper right corner - the pug's head. Draw the three visible legs of the animal - in the lower right corner, in the middle of the lower side of the rectangle, and in the lower left corner of the body.
Step 2
Draw the folds of the torso. Draw the upper side of the rectangle with a smooth line, slightly lifting the left and right parts, and bending the middle. In the place of the curved part down, draw a vertical, slightly curved line, as if dividing the back into two parts. The underside of the rectangle will represent the pug's belly. Draw it in a curved arc. Draw the folds of the neck with a line with a slight hump.
Step 3
Draw the details of the dog's head. Divide the square in two. Draw the ears of the animal in the upper part in the corners. They will be small. The shape of the ears resembles obtuse triangles, their base is directed towards the head, and the vertices look outward. Draw the sides with wavy lines. Draw the eyes large and round. Draw the pupils of the pug. Draw the lower part of the dog's muzzle with two parallel curved lines, which will represent the drooping cheeks of the animal. Add a horizontal stroke connecting the bottom of the drooping cheeks to the bottom of the mouth. Do not forget to draw the nose - a large flattened black oval.
Step 4
Place the paws wide apart. Draw the borders of the paws with wavy lines running parallel and ending at the bottom with a small extension. Separate your fingers with short strokes.
Step 5
Sketch the pug. Make the ears, muzzle, eyes and circle around the eyes black. Sketch the rest in beige. Sketch the folds with a shade a tone or two darker. Add vertical, very short, sparse strokes with a thin brush - individual hairs of the dog.