How Long Does A Drawn Tattoo Last?

How Long Does A Drawn Tattoo Last?
How Long Does A Drawn Tattoo Last?

A tattoo is a talisman that can bring both good luck and bad luck. Much depends on how balanced this decision is. If you are in doubt about your desire, a painted tattoo would be an ideal option in such a situation. These body images are of different types and last from 1 to 3 weeks.

How long does a drawn tattoo last?
How long does a drawn tattoo last?

Drawn tattoos: varieties and their "duration"

There are many variations of a drawn tattoo:

Glitter tattoo. Such a temporary tattoo is applied using hypoallergenic glue, a special stencil and multi-colored dry sparkles (rhinestones). A glitter tattoo can stay on the body for 1 to 2 weeks. Experts say that this type of tattoo is one of the safest designs on the body. That is why it can be done even by small children.

Tattoo paints. You can draw it using hypoallergenic glue, which comes in various colors and a special fixer. The duration of this "tattoo" is also 1 to 2 weeks.

The symbolic patterns painted with henna look mesmerizing on the body, and after rinsing they do not leave a single trace.

Henna tattoo "Mehndi" (biotatu). Henna painting is most popular among girls and women. It has a number of advantages, since:

- it is most similar to a real tattoo;

- natural henna does not cause allergies;

- it minimally penetrates the skin;

- such a tattoo lasts up to 2-3 weeks.

How to extend the life of a painted henna tattoo

How long your drawn tattoo will last depends largely on compliance with the following recommendations:

Before drawing a tattoo, be sure to peel and depilate the skin.

Clean and smooth skin is the first rule to keep your tattoo lasting as long as possible.

After applying the pattern, try not to swim in salt water, and avoid soap and various scrubs during water procedures.

Try to reduce your physical activity so that the tattoo does not start to peel off due to heavy sweating.

Please note that the most persistent areas of the body for a tattoo are the wrist, neck (back), ankle. Tattoos painted on the chest, neck (front) or belly wear off much faster.

If you can influence the choice of ingredients when painting with henna, make sure that you mix: natural henna, ground coffee beans or black tea, lavender oil, sugar. This temporary tattoo can last up to 1 month.

After applying the image, be sure to lubricate the tattoo with sesame or almond oil.

By completing all these points, you will be able to admire the temporary tattoo for much longer than you expect.