How To Add To Private In The Game Minecraft

How To Add To Private In The Game Minecraft
How To Add To Private In The Game Minecraft

Many Minecraft gamers, having become proficient in a single-player game, are in a hurry to connect to a collective one - for example, on a suitable server. This kind of gameplay is certainly more exciting, since it also involves a certain competitive spirit - a natural desire to achieve greater success than others, and to rush to share your results. However, the collective game is fraught with the danger of encountering virtual pests.

Always the first thing to do is to privatize your property
Always the first thing to do is to privatize your property

Why you need to set private in Minecraft

Many players with considerable experience in server gameplay have experienced firsthand what griffing is. People who trade in this by no means noble craft are accustomed to taking pleasure in inflicting damage on gamers, insulting them in chat, destroying their buildings, ravaging chests and performing other similar actions. Some do not even hesitate to shoot videos about their "robber" adventures and post them on various hosting.

This phenomenon has become a real disaster for Minecraft users, and one of the few ways to provide any serious resistance to such violators is to install a special plugin on the server - WorldGuard. Its means allow honest players to independently protect themselves and their own virtual possessions from the invasion of strangers. Thanks to this, the gamer can safely go on a night outing against monsters or go down the mine, knowing that his property will be intact and his house will not be destroyed.

Many servers have restrictions on territory privatization. As a rule, the player gets the right to assign to himself no more than five regions. As for specific items - like chests - there is usually no limit.

Thanks to the WorldGuard settings, this or that player is free to lock virtually any things or parts of the map that he wants to assign to himself. Moreover, it is advisable for a gamer to do this almost immediately after he wished to "settle" in a particular territory - otherwise he will at one not very fine moment discover that someone has outstripped him, having taken possession of his property. It should be remembered: such an action can be canceled by the one who performed it, or by the server admin.

How to register privat for your belongings

With the "privatization" of any items (chests, doors, gates), everything is quite simple. Their assignment to a specific player will not give the right to anyone, except the owner, to open them or take out any things from there. In addition, in order to add private to something valuable, it will be enough to remember just a couple of commands.

First you need to write to the chat / cprivate. Immediately after that, it will be important to click on the desired item with the left mouse button. Such actions will close the selected chest, door, hatch for outsiders. If the owner wants to share with someone (for example, with friends) the right to use things from this storage, or simply allow them to open the locks, he will need to enter the / cmodify command, and specify the nicknames of these people separated by commas through a space.

It is also permissible to secure various mechanisms - such as buttons, levers, etc. In this case, the overlay of a private on the block to which this device is attached will also occur. A similar rule, by the way, applies to double chests: if one half of them is assigned to a specific player, this turns out to be true for the other.

Turning a site on the map into your region

However, grabbing individual things turns out to be a very tedious task and, moreover, often does not become an obstacle for griefers. It will be much more effective to secure for itself the entire territory at once, on which buildings erected by the player himself are located and valuable items are stored for him.

It is better for a gamer to carry out such actions in general before he began to build his own dwelling and force him with chests with his treasures. He needs to occupy a site not assigned to anyone on the map and build on one of its corners a column of simple blocks (earth, sand), etc., and then pick up a wooden ax.

Those who wish to occupy a private entire specific area vertically can carry out such an intention with one command - // expand vert. Thanks to this, the locking will expand in height from the admin to the heavens.

If there is no such item among the player's property, it can be called with the // wand command. After it has appeared in the hand, it is necessary to mark the top point on the recently erected earthen or sand pillar with the left mouse button. Then you should use its right button, having previously clicked on another point located in the opposite corner below - as if diagonally from the first. If everything was done correctly, the selected piece of the map will be inside a certain cuboid of a reddish thin grid.

It remains only to come up with a name for the sealed region and finally secure it for itself. To do this, the player needs to enter / region claim in the chat, and after a space - the chosen name. After that, this section of the map will be in the possession of a specific gamer, and no outsider will be able to destroy any blocks on it or erect "unauthorized" buildings. The owner, at his own discretion, will appoint other players as residents (/ region addmember plus the name of the region and the gamer's nickname separated by spaces) or co-owners (in a similar way, but instead of addmember, the team will write addowner). He will also use special indicators - flags - to set the rules for his private territory.
