When settling in Minecraft on any part of the game map, the gamer often seeks to secure it to himself by overlaying a private. This procedure helps to protect your property from virtual villains - griefers. However, you should not leave your region locked up, leaving it when "relocating" to a completely different area.

Why is "privatization" necessary
When the player is determined to leave the previously chosen territory for good, he often thinks exclusively about keeping his belongings intact. He carefully transfers his treasures, striving (if the gameplay is multiplayer - for example, on a server) not to catch the eye of unfamiliar gamers, whose behavior seems suspicious to him (after all, he is extremely afraid of being robbed during the relocation).
He is in a hurry to immediately claim the rights to the newly acquired plot of "minecraft" land, remembering the teams by which this is done. Moreover, he often even finds plugins with which he can move his dwelling so that he does not have to mess around with buildings again (because his own people have never let down).
Meanwhile, with such troubles, the player often forgets about another very important point - the old region is still listed with him. In this regard, bad memory will hardly cause any inconvenience to him - unless someday the server limit on private territory will exceed.
However, another gamer who has come to the land he has left is unlikely to rejoice. He will want to start building up his favorite area, and Minecraft will not allow him to do this, because the owner of the site did not endow him with such powers … It's good for the latter that he will not hear all the curses that will fly at him.
Territory spreading procedure
If you abuse the private too much without removing it in a timely manner, in the end there may not be a place on the map where newly registered players could gain a foothold, protecting it properly from third-party encroachments. The server administration will have to deal with this, and it is unlikely that its solution will satisfy everyone. Meanwhile, no problems could have arisen if gamers remembered about the unfolding function in time.
Therefore, when bidding farewell to any region, one should hasten to resign from the powers of its owner. There is no special command for this - you can do with the usual ones that are relevant for such a case. As a rule, it is enough to enter into the chat (it is called with the letter T) / region remove or / rg remove, but the main thing is that after any of these phrases, the name of the region, invented when it was attached, should be followed by a space.
If such a command does not help, you should definitely try another one. It sounds like / region delete with the name of the territory. Entering such a phrase into the chat will not only lead to the removal of the private from the site, but at the same time to the deprivation of his owner's rights of ownership.
Overcoming common mistakes in removing a private
However, sometimes the actions described above do not lead to the desired result, and the region still remains seized. The player himself is most often the culprit. For example, he could indicate in the commands the wrong name of the territory, because he simply forgot how he wrote it when overlaying a private on it. Meanwhile, here every sign, up to a capital letter, number or even a point, can play a fatal role.
However, there is a way to find out the real name assigned to such a region. This can be done in two ways. In the first case, a simple / rg list command will help. The second is a little more exotic. To use this method, you will need a rope (also called a lasso, it is crafted from slime and four threads). Taking a similar object in hand, the gamer must click on the site, the name of which he wants to remind himself, with the left mouse button.
Sometimes the player's forgetfulness manifests itself in something else. It turns out that he previously added any other Minecraft members as co-owners of his region or its ordinary users. According to the game order, first you need to remove these people from the region (not necessarily physically - it is much more important that they are deprived of their powers in it). This is done with the commands / region removeowner (for owners) and / region removemember (for ordinary residents) - and then the name of the territory and the nickname of each specific player are indicated through spaces.
In the absence of the effectiveness of the above actions, the gamer can always apply a radical method (which, however, turns into some costs for himself). When he decides to reinstall his launcher, the territory, which hitherto did not want to succumb to the commands, will be unraveled.