It is believed that every person has a double. For most people who have never been involved in parapsychology and were not interested in this topic, the connection with the double is weak, and he cannot penetrate from the astral plane into the three-dimensional dimension, where a person lives. However, with due perseverance and work on oneself, the astral double can be called and even asked for help.

Step 1
There is an old rite to summon a doppelganger. Stand facing north, close your eyes and raise your arms up. Say: "Sleep Leah Granos." Then you can open your eyes. Now sit down on your haunches and say the following: “My double, show up, give a sign about yourself. Support me in business, secure, help me! " Anything can be the answer from your double - a sudden gust of wind, creak of floorboards, rustle of clothes, squeak, crackle - any unusual sound. After you have received the signal from your astral counterpart, say "Granos Lee." You can get in touch with your double both at night and during the day. You shouldn't do this on the thirteenth and seventeenth.
Step 2
You can not only call an astral double, but also send him to the aid of your loved one if he is in a difficult situation. To do this, go outside, turn your face in the direction where your double should go and say: “Nord sen sana. My double, fly (indicate the place where you want to send it). Provide assistance (state the name of the person to whom the double should fly and the problem in which help is needed). Be a loyal friend and ambassador."
Step 3
You can also call the astral diary during a regular session of spiritualism. To do this, prepare a drawing paper with an alphabet drawn in a circle on it. Place the candles on the sides, draw an arrow on the saucer with a pencil or marker. Heat a saucer over a candle flame, place it in the center of the circle, put your hands on it, and instead of “Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, come” say your name. After that, you may feel unpleasant sensations in the solar plexus area, and other participants in the seance will be able to ask questions of your astral double. He will answer them, pointing to the letters in the alphabet.